March 8, 2023 3:31 am : the preacher made me get up, ya’ll Okay, so I’m in the awake, not able to go back to sleep stage, but still too tired to get up stage, so I decided to listen to a sermon. And the speaker said something, “Some of us have spiritualised our …
Stand Still – 2023
The year that Yahweh asked me to Stand Still and see the salvation of the Lord
Writing My Story
March 7, 2023 12:19 pm : at my desk at work You are still writing my story. Not just mine. All of us. We read a book (including the Bible) and know that it will be alright despite the hardships the characters face. But in the middle of the story ourselves and it’s hard …
I Will Worship
March 7, 2023 3:33 am : I’m up! I’m up! Good Morning Yahweh. How are you today? Thank you for always being good. Even on the days we mess up, you are good. You are wonderful. Compassionate. Unshakeable. You are my God and you are the only one I will serve. Thank you for …
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
March 6, 2023 7:00 pm The test was, if persons came out to the meeting I would stay. Attendance was poor. I will resign with effect from the end of March. 9:43 pm : in my bed Yahweh, I am truly seeking your guidance. Despite my statement of resignation, I am willing to …
Be Praised
March 6, 2023 5:49 am : now getting up Truthfully I’m tired. I am ready for vacation, but will wait until July. Yahweh, I pray for the strength to make it. Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day. Thank you for your everlasting grace and mercy. Thank you for the strength to …
Never Make
March 5, 2023 10:24 am : in my car Yes, you are saw right. I did not start my day the way I usually would. I woke up unexpectedly at 4:45 am to be reminded that our family was responsible for the prayer service this morning. Jumped out of bed and headed to the …
I Don’t Need Help?
March 4, 2024 12:18 am : yes the rest day and now getting to bed So I’m conflicted. I went to a play tonight (more on that later) and towards the end I received an email in reference to the youth group that I used to lead. I stopped because no matter how many …
Resources (or Lack Thereof)
March 4, 2024 4:10 am Zechariah 4:10 – Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” (The seven lamps represent the eyes of the Lord that search all around the world.) I was listening to a podcast this morning because my eyes were …
Hope in Every Season
March 3, 2024 1:32 pm : at my desk So I just went to the homepage of YouTube and guess what I saw? Finding Hope in Every Season. There is Hope! You have to know what to cut off. Proverbs 31 Boundaries in Marriage Anointing vs Gifting. It’s the first three that caught my …
My Intent
March 3, 2024 3:46 am : sitting at my desk at home Yahweh. Holy is your name. You are good. You are merciful and I’m still struggling. Why? And why am I bringing this up now? It was my intent to sing and praise you (still will and am) using music on YouTube as …