March 11, 2023
3:14 am
Thank you Yahweh for remembering us.
Matthew 10:29-31 – What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.
Without my Father’s permission. It boils down to one word.
Do I trust that whatever is happening is according to your will?
Sidenote: Despite the horrible statement the Pastor made about women in their 40’s, I do agree with the process. We don’t always see what is happening, why we are going through something, until years down the road and you look back and see where it led you.
We may not always enjoy the process (I mean who enjoys being beaten and thrown into prison falsely?) But it was all part of the picture for Paul. For Joseph. And Paul and Silas chose to worship. I don’t think it was necessarily because they “felt” to, but there is the knowledge that sometimes it’s not about the feelings. Sometimes you have to push aside the feelings and make room for the Spirit to move. And so they worshipped and the Spirit moved.
You gave so much for me and even now, you are still doing more. Yahweh, thank you for the ways you’ve shown your love. Thank you for your everlasting grace (that I will not take for granted). I literally just thought that, “I can’t promise to be perfect,” and then I realise that I can. I can choose to complete the purpose you have in store for me. I can choose to honour you. I can choose to worship you. I can choose to share the good news of you. You are the one I adore.
“There is none like you. No one else can touch my heart like you do.”
Sidebar: Okay, I see what you did there – and yes I always try to write these things down so I remember your move. So many times in prayer something is highlighted. This morning I spoke specifically about pushing aside our feelings and worshipping. As I listen to the video based on the verse of the day, this is what the speaker said.
“Many people are making decisions about how they feel, but maybe that’s not always the best way to make some of the most important life decisions.”
FYI. I love when you do this. I try not to live a life of “signs” but I know that I want to live a life led by your Spirit and when I see your movement, it pulls me closer to you because I am reminded that you are always close and involved. You know all there is to know about me and you still desire to be with me.
The verse of the day, funny enough, did not “readily” point to feelings but I am thankful for where it led.
Colossians 3:2 – Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
10:51 am – at church
Feelings. Nothing more than feelings. Word of the Day. Don’t move according to our feelings but according to the word of Yahweh. I am thankful for feelings, it can keep me grounded. But I am also thankful that I am learning to not move just based on feelings. Thank you for blessing us with feelings.