March 10, 2023
9:43 am
I’m not searching out these topics but they keep popping up. Sometimes I intentionally look for other videos to “change” the algorithm but truly if I see something that stands out, I tend to look at it.
Yahweh, my hope is in you. In you alone. I may get lonely at times. I may feel physical at times, but my hope is in you. I don’t believe you are asking me to intercede for the promise. I pray for my husband. That his heart would be fixed on you. That the sins that easily beset him would be overcome and that he will trust you in all things. That he would honour you in all things. There are always those who seek to destroy what you have ordained, but you are God and your promise is sure. I pray that he submits to you. To your promise, for your glory. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Amen! Thank you. Promises kept. Big thank you. The person who said they would help called today. Thank you for that.
11:19 am : at my desk, listening to a sermon
But man it hit my self-esteem hard, but in it, I will rejoice. Yahweh’s time is not man’s timing.
For years I struggled in a church culture that essentially taught if certain things didn’t happen for you by a certain time then you’re out of God’s will (because it didn’t happen). And I honestly used to feel less than. But it’s not God’s plan for everyone to get married at 25. Or to be in the career at 30. He has a path set for each of us. And if his plan is for you to be married at 44, forcing it at 33 results in heartbreak. He is the God of time and once we are walking in HIS will, then even if it’s long after others would have done something similar then you are in the right time. Let Yahweh do what he has to do.
11:46 am
I think I will always have a heart for singles. Always. And I can only say that because of what I’ve experienced. More than likely if I had married younger I would have had the same attitude of many married folks in the church. I am thankful for those who genuinely seek to include others in their circle. I am thankful for the experiences that I have been through that makes me who I am and is leading me to who Yahweh wants me to be. Can’t honestly say that I don’t have regrets, but I am grateful overall. Help me to walk in your will. To honour you in all things. To be still in your presence.
1:39 pm : leaving the office
I don’t know if it’s a me thing, but I think I’m no longer gonna comment about anything. I don’t think I have a safe space to truly share my heart. I’m sorry. I sit corrected. I have a safe space in you Yahweh. So I will come to you. Thank you for being my friend. I love you.