March 10, 2023
6:13 am : woken up by my 6 o’clock alarm
I went to bed late. But I am here. Thank you for waking me up this morning. You didn’t have to. The truth is, no one else but you and me knows about your promises so if it doesn’t happen, it could not be said that they did not come to pass. But you are a man of your word. It’s not about what others see, it’s about what you said. You are your own insurance. Thank you being true to who you are. Thank you for your love. For knowing me, for growing us with your presence and Spirit. Today I ask for you to go before me, stand beside me.
And a thought just came to me: I don’t like not keeping promises. How much more for you? I was just thinking of a “promise” someone made to help someone and a story about a wealthy man who told a homeless man to hold on, he’s coming back with some warm clothes. The truth was that the homeless man wasn’t bothered by the cold anymore, but when the hope of warmth was offered it lowered his resistance to the cold. The wealthy man went home and forgot and the homeless man froze to death. A promise that means “nothing” to one person can be life or death for someone else.
But you know that. That’s why you keep your word. Your timing does cause heart palpitations though, but we do have the assurance it’s for our good. I’m still waiting on the person who said they would help. I was asked to find out what they needed. The problem is that now they’re expecting something and nothing is forthcoming yet. But I guess it could also be linked to timing. When you give a promise, we may expect the result right away, but many times, we have to wait. And grow in patience.
Help us Yahweh to grow in you. I pray for provision for Deo and that he would truly come to know you. To honour you. To be honest in his dealings. To reflect you in all things. Help him to lead his household the way he ought to. In the name of Jesus. This is my prayer. Amen.
Romans 12:12 – Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.
And yes there are just those days when I pick up the Bible (app) to read and it’s just a reinforcement of what you walked me through the moment before.
Hope. Patient. Prayer
Genesis 28:15 – What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.”
Man of Your Word – Maverick City
Exodus 14:14 – The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm
Yes. Yesterday AND today. Thank you for your word. You said it. I believe it.. You are fighting for me. I will be still.