May 28, 2022
Thank you Yahweh for your process of restoration. It’s not a road without tears, but it is also a road with joys. Lead me Yahweh into your perfect restoration. Help us to move when you say to move, to know your path and to accept that things may not be what we may think. Thank you Yahweh for life. For your remarkable gift. Yahweh, I pray for physical restoration, healing of my cold. Some symptoms still linger. I truly don’t want to get COVID and nothing so far points to it, but I will still take precautions. Yahweh, I pray for those who are experiencing the ravages of COVID and that they will be healed. Heart and soul, and of course body. Forgive us, Yahweh and may we choose you. I choose you as my saviour and king. I love you.
Don’t talk yourself/myself out of what Yahweh is calling me to do.
Not gonna lie. I did this a lot. Because I was afraid. Because I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t sure that it’s what I’m supposed to do. There were a lot of, “I can’t possibly do this.” And I truly felt that way. But. Thank you Yahweh for the “But.” Yahweh didn’t talk himself out of my purpose. He didn’t talk himself out of my purpose. He didn’t say: “I’m tired of this young lady, Imma find someone else and forget about her. She’s not good enough. She’s always running from me. She’s forever fearful of me. There’s nothing else that I can do.” And then give up and turn away.
Yahweh, thank you for doing what you did to bring me to you. Thank you for not leaving me and for providing avenues to share you with others. I see your move and I am thankful for it. There are those who are also running from you. Granted it may be a half hearted run, but once they aren’t turning full to you, it’s still a run. A run from you. From your calling on their lives.
Various ways of running, but running from you nonetheless. I pray that they turn fully to you. That they seek you with their whole heart. That they experience the scary, exhilarating joy of answering your call, even without knowing where it leads. I pray that they allow you into their lives and they are intentional about their relationship with you (without having to go through the knocks that I did). Soften their hearts to hear you – to seek you. To answer you.
Pray for Us
Like you did for Peter, pray for them, that they would come through as fine, pure gold. Able to stand before you as your children. As your chosen ones. As missionaries, musicians, prophets. Remove whatever is blocking their spirit from seeking you. Whatever is on the way, break it down. Help them to break it down. To see you as you are and not through a wall – cause they can’t see you through that wall, especially NJ, break it please. May she find the strength to break through. Sometimes Yahweh, the devil pulls wool over our eyes – not a wall in front of us. He has us on a path that appears so close to what we love: that is “this” close to what you are calling us to do that we don’t even recognise that when it comes to you, “this close” is still too far. It may look like it, it may even smell like what you desire them to do, but without the heart posture of surrender, it’s not close enough to you.
Yahweh, I pray that JC would surrender his heart fully to you. Close enough isn’t good enough. Because the Israelites were close and then spent another forty years wandering. So many were close, but denying the full power and access to you. I pray that they will answer when you call, because you are still calling. Open their hearts to you, to that first step.
Thank you for not giving up on them. Thank you for seeking them against all odds. Thank you for your grace in their lives and for your daily provision even when we aren’t close to you.
Thank you for caring about our wants and our needs. Bless your daughters, Father. Above what we can imagine. Women who are seeking you. To worship you. To see your face. To have a closer, intimate relationship with you. Women who are learning to cry out to you, in praise, in thanksgiving, in supplication. Women, your daughters who all knew we needed something, but didn’t know what until you brought us together. I pray that we will continue to allow you to lead. That we will open in your presence which is ever around us and call on you. Thank you for hearing us father, thank you for making us your daughters. Thank you for your provision. Thank you Yahweh, I love you.
Ephesians 1:17-18 – I pray that the glorious Father, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know Christ better. Then you will have deeper insight. You will know the confidence that he calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God’s people will inherit.
1 John 1:9 – (ESV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
Yahweh, I often think of the “rich, young ruler,” who was so close. But not close enough. Of Judas, who was so close, but not close enough. You say nothing can separate us from you, except us. And you desire that not even breeze can pass through. Because if it can, we are not close enough. It’s not about perfection, but about trusting you in all things. Help us to trust you, in all things. Not some, not most. In all things. To be close.
Psalm 119:18 – Uncover my eyes so that I may see the miraculous things in your teachings.