October 22, 2022
A famous date in Adventist circles. Yahweh, I honestly remember thinking that I hope that I’m not greatly disappointed on this day at the end of the forty days. But I also remembered that praying and fasting isn’t about trying to compel you to do anything on our behalf, it’s about humbling ourselves before you. It’s about partnering with you and most importantly knowing you more.
Thank you for this opportunity. To know you better. To trust you way beyond what I can see. To understand just a bit more of you. It’s funny that during this time that I fell so far behind on the blog. So many things “seemed” to go “wrong,” that many times I just cried and began to wonder what is happening? What am I doing that is against your will?
But there were also so many reminders that even though things look a certain way in the physical, that in the spiritual you are shining brighter than day. You said that there would be earthquakes and shaking, so that what remains will be fixed on you. I still find it amazing the song that came out after your word to me…
“We will not be shaken. We will not be moved. For the Lord is beside us. With him we cannot lose.”
And I just want to say thank you for the shaking. Thank you for the earthquakes. They aren’t fun, but they’re not meant to be, they are meant to fix me in you.
Isaiah 54:10 – The mountains may move, and the hills may shake, but my kindness will never depart from you. My promise of peace will never change,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Thank you for shaking. Thank you for your compassion and kindness. In the words of the Psalmist, “Goodness and mercy will follow me.” Even if things don’t go the way that I may hope or desire, you are still God. You are still in control. You are still my Lord. You are still my friend. You are still my mentor. You still save. You still love unconditionally and so even if I have “nothing else,” because I have you, I have everything.
The fortieth day. Thank you. For bringing me here. Thank you for you. So many things come down to choice. You truly desire us to choose. That’s why even though love involves an attraction that is based on some aspect that is not decided by us, to truly love someone, we have to choose to do so even though it may not look the way we hope. We have to choose to love you even through the tears. We have to choose to trust you even when we don’t understand, because you chose to love us even though you knew we would mess up. You chase us.
Thank you for choosing us everyday.
Thank you for loving us.
Thank you for saving us.
I choose you.
I love you.
In you I will not be shaken because, “You alone is my rock and my saviour – my stronghold. I cannot be shaken.” Psalm 62:6. You are my stronghold, my foundation. I will fix my life on you.
Joy is Coming – Todd Galbreth (Yes!! This is my song!)
Shall Not Want – Maverick City
Still Slaying Giants – Jubilee Worship