May 28, 2022
I love the movie “The Prince of Egypt.” Is it 100% Biblical? Lol. Nope. Still remember my then “little” brother and cousin saying that Moses was attracted to the burning bush because of the lamb that was lost. Took us a minute to figure out why they thought that and realised that it was because of the movie. But there are two songs that I love from this movie. “Through Heaven’s Eyes” and “When You Believe.” Because without belief/faith/trust in Yahweh, we can do nothing. And unless we see ourselves the way Yahweh sees us, we won’t even aspire to do anything. We won’t even begin to see the purpose in our lives. And in all that he’s doing, Yahweh wants us to see how much he values us. He wants us to see that we are important to him. And that he is everything to us. Everything that we need.
Psalm 36:7 – Your mercy is so precious, O God, that Adam’s descendants take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Sometimes though I wonder if these greater marvelous things would happen now if we would believe it. The unvarnished truth? We have gotten so cynical that even when he does miracles now, we barely want to believe. But you see that word? Believe? It’s the pillar of our faith. We have to believe or it means nothing. Miracles do happen when we believe. We see Yahweh when we believe. We see signs and wonders when we believe. We hear Yahweh’s voice when we believe.