The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
Spread the love

January 17, 2023


9:19 pm at my desk

Dear God. I need you. Honestly at this moment I feel like I’m drowning. The car needs servicing badly and I don’t have any resources at the moment to fix the issues.  But Yahweh. You are God. You are God and you promised to provide. I don’t have anyone else to ask, but you. You are my father and I am in need. I don’t want to live this life in constant struggle, unable to do the most basic of things. So here I am. In your presence, asking for help. The car is leaking badly and I don’t know what to do.

Heal my unfaithfulness. Heal my heart.

Yahweh. Thank you. I don’t know what you will do, but I will trust you even if your answer is no. But I hope for a yes.

Yes to your will.

Yes to your way.

You are God and I surrender to you. Thank you for your love and grace. Thank you for your promise. I will fix myself in you and you alone. Thank you for who you are. I love you.



  1. Delivering invitations to folks to be at church this Sabbath. It was fun.
  2. The vehicle in need of servicing that Yahweh will provide for.
  3. That though obedience can look worse in the situation, you orchestrate everything and it works for our good. Yahweh, help me to wait on you. This is me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.


I praise you because you are worthy. Yahweh, thank you for this season you’ve placed me in. Thank you for being God. Thank you for saving us. Thank you for your grace. Yahweh, I receive you. Your salvation. Your love. Thank you for loving me. For showing me that no matter the circumstances, you are here. Thank you for your tears that fall as one with mine. Thank you for everything. I love you Yahweh. You are my champion.



Dictionary: A comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine or assumption.

A basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something works.

A moral rule or standard of good behaviour.

Today the word principles came up again. Yahweh’s principles. A fundamental truth. The fundamental truths I will hold to.

  1. Yahweh is God.
  2. Yahweh is in control.
  3. Yahweh loves us unconditionally.
  4. He desires Good for us and not evil.
  5. He knows the plans he has for us.
  6. He is God!!!

Thank you for being God. Thank you for the principles on which you built this world. Thank you Yahweh.

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