February 22, 2023
6:22 am : very slow to get out of bed morning
You are God enough to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it for my good.
Thank you for being God.
5:27 pm : in my vehicle
Mashing brakes and expecting to go somewhere. So I have a meeting in three minutes. Got to the location and stopped for some vehicles to pass. Then I go to move forward and wondered if something was wrong with the vehicle. It wasn’t moving. Turns out I was pressing the brakes and not the accelerator. Life can be like that at times.
Also had a wonderful reminder to remain faithful in what Yahweh has called me to do today. It’s not big, but it’s what I am to do. Help me to maintain the balance of all aspects in the names of Jesus. Amen.
5:51 pm
Okay. I so disagree with that statement, “We are thankful for your work in the church, you won’t be rewarded here, but you will be rewarded in heaven.” This is NOT Biblical. Why do we keep saying nonsense like that?
There are so many scriptures that speak about rewards. Only some of them speak about a heavenly reward. I’m not suggesting that we work for an earthly reward or even a heavenly reward as we ought to work for the love of Yahweh. But we can’t regulate our life to just working, working without any hope of recompense. Yahweh himself said that by the sweat of thy brow, you shall eat.
7:57 pm : frustrated at my desk at home
Yahweh, Imma say this honestly, every meeting drains my spirit. And I’m trying to stay in my corner and it doesn’t work. When I speak up also, it doesn’t work. So I don’t know what to do. We have a leader who is dismissive of everyone who is not his friend and it’s frustrating.
Yahweh, I pray for two things: that the: that the leader will also listen. Really listen to others. And that as a leader in my sphere that I will listen to those I have responsibility for. Help me to be open to ideas and to listen to your voice. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.
What am I thankful for?
- A meeting. Lol. Yes, the meeting at work was productive. The one this evening, not so much. But still thankful.
- Visiting a building and realising that it is too small for us.
- Working in the dark. Don’t rush the process.
I have not been using my planner for my personal use as much as I would like to. But I need to. And stick with it.
So I had to laugh. A good laugh. Listening to an interview of a now world famous pastor and I honestly thought as he was speaking that so often we believe nowadays that unless what we are doing is recognised on a massive platform, then we’re not in purpose. Our purpose as ordained by Yahweh, may not include fame. And then the pastor said the same thing. What had me smiling was when he said, your purpose may be to write a book that only 300 people read, but that inspires those to go on greater things in Yahweh.
I also remembered the blog. Was definitely called to do it, but had to remind myself that it’s not about the traffic. I’m conceived that Yahweh even shut down the possibility of promotions for the site because those avenues were supernaturally closed during my (what I’m calling) “Job Experience.”
I’ve always been the one to shy away from the spotlight. I still am. Yahweh, I pray for humility. I know it seems like a total change in subject, but I pray for the humility to minister in this church community as you have called me to. Help me not to show an attitude in face or in spirit.
Yahweh. I am desiring to do your will. This path is truly interesting and while I have an inkling of where you may be leading, I’m just following. I don’t even know how to approach some of the things that you have placed on my heart, but Imma walk into it.
I’ll keep on walking through the setbacks. The set-ups. The “I have no clue what that is.” Through it all. Once I do what you’ve prepared me to do. Thank you for your love and your grace. Thank you for all of who you are. I love you.