June 1, 2022
Three in One. No, there is absolutely no way that I am comparing myself with you and the Godhead. But I do like numbers. And three is featuring very prominently right now and I do consider three a “perfect” number because of you. You are three, yet one. There are three of us, coming together for three days to pray in one accord.
I ask for your presence amongst us. You’ve said that where two or three are gathered together, you are in the midst to bless. Yahweh, I am holding you to your word because you do always keep your word. And I am thankful, grateful, ecstatic that you are good and cannot lie. Cannot not be who you say you are.
Yahweh, we are not perfect, but you are. We ask that as we gather together, that we are covered by your righteousness. Heal our unfaithfulness Yahweh. Cleanse us from all that is not of you. Our thoughts that can stray to the negative and see all that is wrong with us. And yes there is a lot that is wrong, but you are right and you are right here. Forgive us and may we be before you in your righteousness. Thank you for your restoration. Thank you for dying to save us. For loving to save us. All that is not of you, we surrender to you: our wants, our desires. The things that we are drawn to that aren’t of you. Let this mind be of you. Yearning to be with our father: humbling ourselves before you. You alone are God. You alone are king, but you are also not alone. Seriously, your paradoxical sovereignty makes me smile and warms my heart and I pray that as we seek your face that you will hide us in you. That we will come even closer to you. Your daughters in you.
We have requests, but more than anything we desire to know you. To have that relationship with you. Thank you this opportunity to be with you. No holds barred. Nothing between us. Steph, Angie, me.
Thank you for bringing us together. And I pray that we will continue to be a support to each other. That this is not just three days but a continuation where we grow in you. We continue to support and we keep our eyes fixed on you.
Thank you for your love. Thank you for who you are. I love you and I pray that we express that love all that we meet. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Colossians 3:12-17 – As holy people whom God has chosen and loved, be sympathetic, kind, humble, gentle, and patient. Put up with each other, and forgive each other if anyone has a complaint. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Above all, be loving. This ties everything together perfectly. Also, let Christ’s peace control you. God has called you into this peace by bringing you into one body. Be thankful. Let Christ’s word with all its wisdom and richness live in you. Use psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to teach and instruct yourselves about God’s kindness. Sing to God in your hearts. Everything you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Nothing between:
“Nothing between, like worldly pleasure: habits of life, though harmless they seem. He is my all, there’s nothing between.”
This is my prayer. That nothing comes between us. Even things that seem good, but can separate us, help it, help me not to put anything between us.
Draw me Nearer – (Hymn)
Alpha and Omega – Israel and New Breed
O Love of God, How Strong and True – (Melissa Oretade – Hymn)
I Love Thee, I Love Thee My God – (Melissa Oretade – Hymn)
I love you Lord and I lift my voice – (Ghing Heria)
So something just hit me. I still have issues handling rejection well. But rejection is a part of life. A huge part unfortunately. So I need help. I don’t want to live a life of no expectations because that sucks and to do that would deny you. But I need help truly managing expectations and rejections. To do what you do. “How to” list of rejection. When someone says no.
It’s not always personal. Rejection of that is. But it usually feels that way. So what to do when something you do is rejected?
Remember that Jesus was rejected too.
Matthew 8:34 – Everyone from the city went to meet Jesus. When they saw him, they begged him to leave their territory.
The whole city. Not one or two people. A whole city. The thought seems unbelievable, but it’s true. As “popular” as he was, he was also constantly rejected. What did he do?
He acknowledged it
John 5:43 – I have come with the authority my Father has given me, but you don’t accept me. If someone else comes with his own authority, you will accept him.
I think this is one of the biggest problems with rejection. We are taught to just pretend it didn’t happen. They don’t deserve one anyhow type of attitude. But Jesus acknowledged that he was rejected. He even took stock of why he was rejected. And so should we. An unbiased look. We aren’t all-knowing as Yahweh is, but we can do some self-analysis.
- What did I say? Was it the best time? The right words?
- Were the people in the right frame of mind?
Of course the questions would differ based on the situation, but acknowledge it and think about it.
Think about it, but don’t dwell on it.
John 6:1 – Jesus later crossed to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (or the Sea of Tiberias).
Jesus acknowledged it, analysed it and then continued on with what he was called to do. Whenever he was rejected, he didn’t sit there in dejection about the rejection. He continued on.
Luke 4:29-30 – Their city was built on a hill with a cliff. So they got up, forced Jesus out of the city, and led him to the cliff. They intended to throw him off of it. But Jesus walked right by them and went away.
He did not stay where he was rejected in that immediate situation. If it’s not accepted, it is okay to walk away. If it’s someone at work, accept that not everyone will be your friend or desire your input. Granted it may not be possible to walk away from work (lol), but we can walk away from the situation. No need to force thoughts and actions on others.
Do what you’re called to do.
Luke 4:43 – But he said to them, “I have to tell the Good News about God’s kingdom in other cities also. That’s what I was sent to do.”
Jesus continued on with what he was called to do. He didn’t stop and say, oh well, that’s that. They didn’t want to hear. He continued on, doing what he was called to do. So should we. Even if rejected by someone, continue to do what we are called to do.
Praise Yahweh
Psalm 118:28-29 – You are my God, and I give thanks to you. My God, I honor you highly. Give thanks to the Lord because he is good, because his mercy endures forever.
David is always a powerful example of what to do after rejection. Even when he felt rejected by Yahweh himself, he still worshipped. And so should we. Worship draws us closer to Yahweh. Yahweh inhabits our praise. Praise is a shield. And it lifts our spirit heavenward.
Don’t be afraid.
Ezekiel 2:6-7 – Son of man, don’t be afraid of them or the things they say. Don’t be afraid, even though thorns and thistles are around you and you live among scorpions. Don’t let the things they say frighten you. Don’t be terrified in their presence, even though they are rebellious people. Speak my words to them whether they listen or not, because they are rebellious.
Ezekiel has some of the most mind-boggling imagery in the Bible, but it’s also effective. We are surrounded by rebellious people, who don’t wish us well, who want to harm, but we should not be afraid. Not that it may not hurt, but we should not be afraid. It won’t be unto death. Eternal death that is. He didn’t even save his son from pain in order to offer us/me eternal life. We will have to experience pain, but we don’t have to hold on to the pain or be afraid. We hold on to his word and his promise of life with him.
This is our Prayer
To see you. To know you. To fix our focus on you. It’s a choice we have to make, but one that is accomplished by your strength. It saddens me to recognise how much we haven’t believed in you. How much we’ve just been expecting the bare minimum, but exceedingly, abundantly, above what we can ask is your promise to us. In spirit, in the natural. I pray for that belief in you to grow. I pray that we grow closer each day, each minute to you. I pray for an Enoch type of life. Though, I know, no imitating. You have called us to live a life that you want us to live. Help us to trust you each day. To do your will.
At Work
Help us to be effective and efficient. To do what we ought to do in the best way possible. Help us to grow into what we are to do and to not be afraid to step out into the unknown. Strengthen us in you. To work according to your will. Thank you for your provision and your gifts in us. Help us to use them for your glory. I love you.
[…] a good thing, even a great thing, but I can’t let that come between us. Typing up the entry from June 1st: Thee in One, just actually helped to re-centre me. All evening I’m singing, reading the Bible and still […]