March 28, 2022
Thank you Yahweh for a new day. You’re everything I need and you are worthy to be praised. You are the greatest. What you have done for me – to save us is so remarkable that I am still brought short when I think of it.Â
Yahweh, today I ask for your grace and strength so that my decisions would be holy and acceptable. Thank you for your provision in my life. Thank you for family and friends. Thank you for being a father and a friend. For your promises.Â
Yahweh, please speak to me. Show me your will in my life. Today what you desire of me, not to do my own pleasure: but to honour you. You have made so many promises and through them I can get to know you, to understand you, to trust you. How else would I get to know you?Â
Psalm 46:10 – Let go (of your concerns) then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth.
How to know you? Be still. Not of the sit and do nothing variety, but of the submit to Yahweh variety. To stop fighting him, to stop trying to be in control. Stop trying to do it (life) on our own. When we do that we can get to know Yahweh. We get to see him work. He’s able to draw near to us because we are no longer flailing about like a chicken without a head. Have you seen what happens when we don’t know what to do and try to do something anyway? Usually ends in disaster. But Yahweh desires for us to stop fighting so that we can know him and for him to fight for us.Â
Ephesians 3:19 – You will know Christ’s love, which goes far beyond any knowledge. I am praying this so that you may be completely filled with God.Â
To trust Yahweh is to know him, to know his love. To have an intimate understanding of him. It’s beyond just having knowledge of why he does what he does, but understanding who he is: why he loves us. It takes faith. It takes sinking into him, making him the foundation of all that we do. So that we can know him and he desires that we know him. That we have an ever deepening relationship with him. He desires to share his heart with us: there is no deeper connection than when two hearts beat as one.Â
Deuteronomy 4:35 – You were shown these things so that we would know that the Lord is God.
How has Yahweh touched our lives? How did he show himself to me? How did he say to me, “I am your God, you have nothing to be afraid of.” We all have personal experiences where Yahweh moved mountains he could spend a moment with us. He showed me that he knows what I feel. He made a way through difficult situations. He made such wonderful promises to me that at times it’s hard to believe.Â
He waited for me to step off my pedestal of religion, to come and know him for myself. To not rely on what someone has said or believe but to be drawn close to him so that I would understand who he is to me. And what I mean to him. What I mean to him.
Thank you Yahweh for loving me speechless. It is in you I live. Thank you for never letting me go, thank you for who you are.Â
Yahweh, I pray for a special dispensation this week. In seven days, it’s my birthday and I will be 43. A little over half of the official allotted time. I want to celebrate with you, but I also want to be prepared for you. The three days, the full seventy-two hours leading up to that day will be in worship to you: prayer and fasting. I’ve truly never done a full fast for more than a day, but more than anything I want to honour you. I want to break any curses over me and my family. I want to know you. To be known by you. I don’t want a faith that ebbs and wane, but one that grows from strength to strength. I want to be used by you. To reach others so that they would know you also. They would see you, they would find you. You are a good, good father and your love is and feeling. It’s about what I can dream of or imagine for myself. I pray that I will keep my trust in you. To know what to say, to know what to do. I love you.Â

House Plans
House plans. I’ve got to say thank you. I remember the note on my phone entitled “Hope” that I wrote in 2019. In it I wrote to finish in the house by 2022 end. And for a moment I lamented not being able to start since then. And then I had to stop and praise Yahweh, because his timing is truly not our timing. I’ve had a house plan partially (mostly) drafted for years, but honestly it never fully settled for me. I was always tweaking and though I pictured it, it always felt out of reach and not quite me. Last November I revisited the design – and by revisited I mean I went to bed one night and woke up with a vision of how the house should be. A tiny house with a giant deck. A house that reflected me. A house that while it could accommodate others wasn’t about spaces for children or entertaining. It was about separating from the stress and cares of this world. A home with no TV, no unnecessary ornamentation and it felt right. Since then I’ve seen almost everything start to fall into place. I’ve seen his promise being fulfilled. Not on my time, but on his. I will trust him.Â