Spread the love

January 20, 2023


2:22 : On my bed



In a classroom setting and we all had to write a story/piece. Though it didn’t start off in a classroom setting. I was on a bus and had to stand and was almost too short to reach the straps. Until I did, I was being tossed around. But when I sat down, it was similar to the bus, but in the classroom. Some of the students were reading part of their piece and they wanted someone to continue. So I did. I read and they liked it and then the teacher said that we would be reading it again tomorrow at some function, but we needed headphones for some reason. She was giving out headphones and bypassed me and I had to reach out to her to let her know that I was one of the persons who read. I woke up at that point.

Yahweh, I do not know what this dream means or the one from last week either. But you do. Yahweh I pray for your divine interpretation of both dreams. I ask for understanding. Help me, Yahweh, to be anchored in you. I pray also that nothing that is meant for me – for me to do or to receive would bypass. Let your will be done in my life. I am yours. Teach me your will and help me to remain fixed in you. To be unshakeable in you. You are God. You are the only God and it is you only that I serve. It is you who is in control. Help us, help me to speak up at the right moment. To stand up at the right moment.


Dream (cont’d):

There was a point where the washi tape was covering the words (some of the words), but they kept lifting off. Eventually I tore off the parts that were lifting up. This was while the teacher was walking around.


Help me Yahweh, not to be distracted by anything. Even “good” things can distract me from the purpose that you have in store for me. Help me Yahweh to walk in your will. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Numbers 6:24-26 – The Lord will bless you and watch over you. The Lord will smile on you and be kind to you. The Lord will look on you with favor and give you peace.

Your blessing isn’t just for me to hoard. Yahweh, help me to be a blessing to others. To see that it isn’t just about me, but how I am to help others.

Yesterday as Ali was leaving the car, she said this and I finished it for her as she didn’t know the whole thing (the blessing). Later the night/evening, a song on these words came to mind and I said I would look for the song, but I didn’t at the time. While reading the devotional this morning, this was the scripture of focus. Yahweh, I pray for your blessing in my life. I pray that what you have called me to do will not bypass and that I will be a blessing to others as you also desire me to be.

I pray that I will be pleasing to you. Your will be done. Help me to also find the balance required to do your will. To accomplish all that you require of me. Thank you for your peace. Thank you for loving me. Remember Mia. That she will trust you beyond what she is seeing right now. That her life would be surrendered to you.

Remember the youth programme. Help others to be drawn closer to you. Teach us your will. Amen.

The Blessing – Melvin Crispell and Maranda Curtis. 

You are for us. Thank you for your presence and that you are for us. Even when the situation seems bleak: you are for us. I will not lose sight of you and who you are calling me to do.

Amen – it is so. I come in agreement with what you have said. Help me not to lose hope, because you are my hope. You are my peace and the fear that I missed out on what you desire is not of you. I will trust you.

Romans 8:31 –  What can we say about all of this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

He Won’t Fail – Todd Galberth


Yahweh, what am I to speak up on? I cannot worry about the future. Today, this is what you have placed before me:


Ministry – Blog, Business



Yahweh, help me to grow these the way you desire. “God, you have never failed. You won’t start with me.”

Yahweh, help me to overcome these insecurities. You are my father and no matter what my history looks like, no matter what I’ve done in the past, I am free in you and you won’t fail. Thank you for your promises and their fulfilment. I love you.

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