March 25, 2022
Yahweh, I just want to sleep. The bed is calling but I am still at work. I pray for your strength for today: to move in your will. To honour you and live for you. Thank you for bringing me safely through this week. Got a couple shocks and surprises, but you are still in control. I pay for this department. I want to say protect us, but that doesn’t feel like the right word. Your will be done and move within the department as you see best. At the end, they are those who try to honour you, may their lives bring glory to you. Thank you for your grace and love, and for your will in our lives.Â
You are a good God, a wonderful father, and my closest friend. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I am yours and you are mine!Â
There are things you sort of know but you don’t think about or internalise.
Genesis 1:26 – The God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.”
We serve a trinitarian God. He said let us make man in our image. There’s the Father, the Son, the Spirit.Â
1 Thessalonians 5:23 – May the God who gives peace make you holy in every way. May he keep your whole being – Spirit, soul and body – blameless when our Lord Jesus Christ comes.Â
What if each aspect of our whole being corresponds to each aspect of the trinitarian God?Â
Spirit to Spirit
Soul to Father
Body to Christ
Coming together to make our whole being?
(Lol. I literally pulled to the side of the road to write so I would not forget).
Now I’m not suggesting that each member of the triune God isn’t a complete entity unto themselves, but they do have different rules in the redemption story that all work together as one (3 in 1, 111). I am suggesting though (not sure if I want to do a full study on it), that possibly each role has a part to play in how our “being” functions.Â
Think on these things. May have no real connection, but I am intrigued.