prelude to solitude
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Had a dizzy spell with nausea. Never had that before. I am sad. And I know that I have to really heal.

Yahweh at times I do feel like I’m always rejected or not chosen. But I know that, that’s not the truth. I may not be for everyone, but I am hopefully for someone. Help me to trust you with everything. I need my heart to be revived. I need to move past this.

Thank you for today. For making it through. There are many things I am thankful for. I know I cried a lot today, but I do know that I will be okay. Not all tears are bad, they can be therapeutic.

I have a lot to learn about myself. I need to learn to trust myself better. I know these statements may come across as selfish, but while I don’t want to be lackadaisical, I need to learn how to extend the same grace I extend to others to myself.


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