July 27, 2022
Maybe it’s not about me winning the battle. I was just typing up one of my journal entries (A Losing Battle) and I stated that this feels like a losing battle. And it really feels that way within the church community here. But lately I keep getting the urging to work with the children and the youths and not just in my usual capacity but to change even that. And as I read that entry the thought came: it’s not for me to win the battle but for them to win the war. I’m just here to anchor (so not the right word), to provide a safe place for them to grow so that when they grow up and take up the leadership roles, they don’t repeat the same mistakes as those who have gone before us. It is truly not my battle to fight – I have to prepare them. Thank you Yahweh for your grace. I pray that they do win the battle. That we will trust you as the caption of the guard. The commander of this army. Victory is yours. Thank you.
Joel 2:11 – The Lord shouts out orders to his army. His forces are very large. The troops that carry out his commands are mighty. The day of the Lord is extremely terrifying. Who can endure it?
The Lord’s army is a conquering army. He always wins. He has already won and while I may not see the end result in my lifetime, I will plant and nurture the seed. The end result though will be worth it.
Joel 2:28 – “After this, I will pour my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions.
The old and the young will have your spirit poured out on them. There would be unity amongst the generations. That will be an awesome, fantastic day. I am looking forward to that day.
- For every vehicle that tried to run me over.
- For the orange light on the dashboard of the vehicle.
- The battle that I have to fight but it’s not my fight to win.
Even If…
Habakkuk 3:17-18 –
Even if the fig tree does not bloom and the vines have no grapes,
even if the olive tree fails to produce and the fields yield no food,
even if the sheep pen is empty and the stalls have no cattle—
even then, I will be happy with the Lord.
I will truly find joy in God, who saves me.
I know you’re able and I know you can. Save through the fire with your mighty hand.  But even if you don’t, my hope is you alone.
Yahweh, my hope is in you alone.
Even if I’m battered at work.
Even if I’m lonely at times.
Even if I’m isolated at church.
Even if I’m in debt with no end in sight.
Even if my vehicle is giving problems.
Even if nothing seems to be working out
Even if…
You are.
You are my father.
You are my provider.
You are my defender.
You are my comforter.
You are the one in whom I trust.
You are the one who died to save me.
You are the one in whom there is hope.