August 11, 2022
Something that I have come to recognise with myself: I don’t get as flustered as I used to about things. Yes, they may still bother me, but many times the frustration rarely lasts long. I’ve got to say thank you for that. I used to be mad about a situation for days (what sense did that make?! Sigh) and would think of ways it would resolve: never acted on it though.
There is a saying that you talk about something for nine days before you get it out of your system. I propose that nine days is too long. That’s a lot of days to allow something to wreak havoc on our mental and physical. Don’t get me wrong, I still get angry about things, but I react (if at all) differently.
The other thing I will consider if it’s a person’s actions is…maybe they are going through something. We never know. Yahweh, I pray for all of us who are going through something. It differs for everyone, but I pray that we will keep your trust in you. Remember Miya, Angie and Vinny. I pray that they will seek your face at all times, but especially in times of frustration. And there is Steph. A friend. Your friend (cause you know I can’t claim anything above you). Strengthen her in you. Yahweh, I pray for the manifestation of your spirit in her life. That she will know that you are speaking with her. That you desire the best for her even if it doesn’t feel like the best right now. Thank you for your promises for her and family. Keep her in your will.
Fighting Temptations
You know, everyday I keep fighting the temptation (Hello Cuba Gooding Jr.) to call these financial institutions with the multiple bank errors not in my favour. It feels weird not going to war (this word is probably overkill), but it’s also refreshing in a way. It’s the same thing with church. Not going to war but moving in you. Keep me, Yahweh, in your will.
Broken Pieces
Today, I kept seeing a lot about “broken pieces.”
“My story is filled with broken pieces.”
“God is fixing the broken pieces in your life.”
“I’m broken inside. Lord, I give you my life.”
Broken pieces. And I remembered a dream I had earlier this week and at the time I said that the dream felt fragmented. Like there were things still coming together. And earlier this week there was the thought that as a society we have normalised being broken. We are not perfect and will never be until Christ comes, but broken should not become/be our normal. We may need to go to the repair shop, but we also need to recognise that imperfection does not mean broken. Mistakes do not mean that we are broken. We can have issues that we need to resolve and recognize that we are not broken despite our issues. Scars do not mean that we are broken. Jesus has the scars in his hands as a reminder of what he sacrificed for us, but he is not broken.
Clarification: Yahweh does mend our brokenness. He does also ask for a sacrifice of a broken spirit and a contrite heart. A heart that recognises that without Yahweh we are nothing. That we need to repent and turn to him. But here’s the part that we need to consider: after healing are we still broken? If Yahweh has restored us, are we still broken? No. Unless we break ourselves again. But we do always need to maintain the spirit that humbles ourselves before Yahweh. The spirit that recognises that it’s him who saves us. That is the brokenness that we need to normalise.