January 1, 2022
Yahweh I made it to the mountain top. Started the prayer and fast to continue growing with You. I want to walk with You every day. I have no idea how that is accomplished, but I will focus on today.
It’s 6:23, It’s already so dark I cannot see without a light. So after this, the journal would be put away. Embrace the quiet.
So I turned on my lantern. It is hot inside the vehicle!! Usually by this time, the place (and vehicle) cools down. Outside is cool. The windows are cracked for air circulation. The bed feels okay, a bit unstable but not disturbingly so.
Our faith is released as we say, pray and do the word of God.
James 1:5 – If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God who gives liberally to everyone, ungrudgingly, without reproach or fault finding.
Faith is about trusting God and believing what He has said. We trust someone when they are consistent. God has been consistent our entire lives even when we don’t understand what He’s doing. He’s consistently working for our good.
Mark 9:23 – Jesus said to him, if you can believe? All things are possible for one who believes.
It’s simultaneously the easiest and the hardest thing to do. To believe. Just believe. But then the cares of the world press in and we fear and doubt. Yahweh, is it as simple as making a choice no matter how improbable it is? Choosing to believe You. When we trust God as true and that all His promises are true, all things HE PROMISES ARE POSSIBLE.
Matthew 17:20 – Truly I say to you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
Caveat? Focus on the seed, there will always be doubts, but don’t focus on the doubt. Nurture the seed. Nurture the seed.
Thank you Yahweh for your faithfulness.
- Quiet in Nature. I didn’t realise how noisy life has gotten. Even with listening to sermons and worshipping. There is a difference in the quiet of nature.
- Courage to camp by myself (granted it’s inside a locked vehicle), but I’m here
- Your faithfulness towards me.