March 14, 2022
Good Monday morning Yahweh. How are you today? I still feel sleepy: eyes are a bit groggy. But!!! I’m alive to see a new day. I’m alive and there’s one reason for that – you! So I just want to thank you. You are worthy. Above everything else: above everyone else, you are worth it. Worth losing sleep for.
Can you believe it’s almost halfway through the month of March? Next week is mom’s birthday, wow. Time is flying. Well it feels that way, though it probably feels totally like the usual to you. Thank you for the time that you have given to us. It does pass like a blink in the whole scheme of eternity, but it’s what you’ve given to us to help others and to get to know you. It’s what you’ve given us to live. Help us Yahweh, to use the time you’ve given us wisely, so that at the end of the day, you can see “well done.” No lie, that would be awesome, that in the end you would call us by name (well you do now), but we will know that nothing would be in vain.Â
Thank you for including us in your plans. Thank you for recognizing that we need a purpose in our lives or we would be wandering without the clue and wondering what is wrong and not being able to do a thing about it. Thank you for knowing us so well, for understanding us, for making us the way you did. And then even though we mess up, you still desire us, still desire to use us.Â
 You know what I’ve recognised? Without a purpose in life we lose focus. We do crazy things that make no sense (there are crazy things that do make sense). A person without a purpose is usually without hope (yep, pot meet kettle). It’s the way you made us: for a purpose. And that’s probably also why Satan does convince people to do nonsense – it gives them a sense of purpose however misguided. But you created us, so I would prefer to get my instructions from you – because you know what is best. Thank you for giving me purpose.Â
Purpose: the reason for which something is done or created. Something set up as an end to be attained.
Ephesians 2:10 – God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.Â
Good works. It’s not that we do good works to be saved but we do good works because we are saved. When Yahweh does his work, he calls it good. He is truly calling us to live in His image and do good. I love the word that the KJV uses “ordained” – which Yahweh had before ordained that we should walk in them. Yahweh invested officially in us even before we came to him.
Even in the world with sin, even though as people we’ve handed over domain to a liar and a cheat, Yahweh still wants to see good in this world and has ordained us/appointed us to do good works. So that even in a world with so much going wrong, there will still be good in this world until he returns and makes all things good.
Be Seen or Not Seen
SIDEBAR: Good (agathos): usage – intrinsically good, good whether it be seen to be so or not.Â
I think that is important to note, “It be seen to be or not.” Because too often all expectations on what is good is limited. Now that’s not to say that we should start calling bad things “good” to take the limit off, but it does mean that we need to stop seeing through our eyes and see through Yahweh’s. Please and thank you. To see through your eyes. That honestly gives me goosebumps.Â
Proverbs 16:9 – A person may plan his own journey but the Lord directs his steps.
At first glance this seems contradictory. We plan but Yahweh directs. However:
Philippians 2:13 – It is God who produces in you the desires and actions that please him.
He gives us the ability to develop our purpose and then he helps us get there. Step by step. We don’t see the whole way (where’s the fun in that? Lol). But he guides every step on the journey as we fulfil the purpose that he has over our lives.
Hebrews 13:21 – May the God of peace prepare you to do every good thing he wants. May he work in us through Jesus Christ to do what is pleasing to him. Glory belongs to Jesus Christ forever.
Yahweh prepares us for every good thing – brings into its proper condition to do that which excels. To do that which is upright and honourable according to his purpose which he placed in us.Â
That’s his promise: he won’t leave us aimless, wandering like a sheep without a shepherd. A ship without a rudder. Without that purpose we would have nowhere to go.
Yahweh thank you for giving us the purpose. To do good and to give you the glory. You know what we need in this life and the life after and you know that without your purpose in us we are lost. Each day becomes monotonous, grey, without hope. Thank you for working in me according to your purpose.

Called to be – Jonathan Nelson featuring Purpose
A lot of times, you think that because someone else may already be doing something similar to what you are called to do that maybe you aren’t called to do it. I mean there are so many books about Yahweh. There are a million and one songs about him. But it’s a trap that keeps you stagnant to think this. We are all unique and part of one body working towards one goal. The toenail operates differently from the toe but they both operate on the toe and are a part of the body. So don’t think that someone has already done it – they didn’t, the way you’re supposed to – or else you wouldn’t be called to do it. Btw, there is more than one toe. So often we can get caught up with overall influence, but the smallest bone in the toe forms part of the whole and it’s just as important. So whether your purpose is to be as visible as a skin or as hidden as the bone in the toe, we have a purpose to accomplish for the glory of Yahweh. A purpose can be for one person or a million that’s not what is important. What is important is that it be accomplished.
[…] a fourth message about purpose! This time from a previous journal entry I was posting. When I decided to journal, it truly wasn’t with the intent to do all this, but […]