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May 22, 2022


Today was a mental workout. There were tears, hiccups, sighs galore. But there were also promises, praise and Yahweh’s words forevermore (lol, I felt like rhyming). Every week when I look back, I’m like that was only a week ago?! Like what? And you know something? I was blindsided today, but I survived. I did not die. I did not crawl into a hole, though I wanted to. I did leave the location and then came back. I did not want the experience to set me back and take my joy. Especially since an experience should not be able to take my joy. Thank you for today – all is ups and downs. Thank you for loving me. You are awesome and I love you.  



  1. Emotional roller coasters that eventually level out.
  2. Your beautiful, powerful, uplifting words in my life. 
  3. Purpose in my pain. But no lie, today was painful. But through it all, I will trust you.
  4. 1 Chronicles 1-19.

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