December 24, 2022
Good Sabbath Morning Yahweh. How are you this morning? Guess what? You are great. You are majestic. You are God. I know you know, but I needed to say it again. Thank you for being God who knows the end from the beginning. Thank you for being compassionate towards us.
Isaiah 30:18 – The Lord is waiting to be kind to you. He rises to have compassion on you. The Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all those who wait for him.
You’re asking us to wait on you. You’re asking me to wait on you. Teach me Yahweh your will and your way. To wait patiently but with expectation. Thank you for being the God who waits for the appointed time. To reveal. To restore. To move. And though it looks delayed to us, though we may be disappointed in a season, it’s not over because you are still in control. Thank you Yahweh for your spirit over and in my life. Thank you for loving me so much that you wait for me and the right time. Thank you for your love and grace. Thank you for who you are.
Yahweh, remember your church, your people. Mend the broken pieces. Heal and restore what was lost AND make us new. Transform us into new creatures who will honour you and serve you in spirit and truth. Be with the programme today and may it be received with the heart that comes from you. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“Your provision is on the way.”
This was a message that was sent out this morning. I glanced at it and went into another what’s app message. And then it popped up again. So this time I read it completely. Once we are in God’s will we don’t have to go hunting for his provision. It will come to us riding on camels. This actually triggered a memory from the end of the forty day fast. Angie had sent me a video that also spoke about camels bringing provision for us. And while I know that my focus isn’t on provision, but on the Lord, it’s comforting being reminded that he will always provide.