Notes Soli
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Luke 6:14-16 – They were Simon (whom Jesus named Peter) and Simon’s brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon (who was called the Zealot), Judas (son of James), and Judas Iscariot (who became a traitor).

First thing: Two James, two Judas, two Simons.

Second thing: sometimes I wonder how disciples like Bartholomew felt? And Philip? Sometimes it seems like all the attention went to some of the disciples (I mean Andrew is literally listed as Simon’s brother. Sigh). From some there is a letter. You don’t hear about their exploits in detail (or at all). Jesus did call them though. And they all had a part to play. Wouldn’t it be awesome though if each disciple came from each of the tribes?

Luke 7:29 – Whoever doesn’t lose his faith in me is indeed blessed.

John who was literally filled with the Holy Spirit started to doubt. But trusting despite the doubt is necessary.

Luke 9:17 – All of them ate as much as they wanted. When they picked up the leftover pieces, they filled twelve baskets.

Is it just me or has anyone else ever wondered about the sheer logistics of this? What did they use to distribute the bread and fish? Were they just walking around with it in their hands? Where did the baskets come from? Did folks just walk around with empty baskets on their heads? Just wondering you know?

Luke 9:35 – A voice came out of the cloud and said, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen. Listen to him!”

Why did I not remember this? I knew (or thought I knew) this story and did not remember this. So three times Yahweh publicly acknowledged Jesus as his son. There may be others that I have forgotten too (shame face).

Luke 12:25-26 – “Can any of you add an hour to your life by worrying? If you can’t do a small thing like that, why worry about other things?

Clearly Jesus’ definition of small and my definition of small are very different. I think if adding an hour to life was “small thing” then there would be plenty folks still alive today. But it does show how big our God is: that this is small to him.

Luke 15:15 – So he got a job from someone in that country and was sent to feed pigs in the fields.

Now I know it’s an illustration. But he got a job. He’s supposed to be paid. So why was he still hungry? Why wasn’t he fed? That’s how Satan is. He offers many things, but there is no satisfaction. We’re hungry still.

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