Luke 1:18 – Zechariah said to the angel, “What proof is there for this? I’m an old man, and my wife is beyond her childbearing years.”
Yahweh does not treat everyone the same. Others (I see you Manoah) asked for something and had no “consequences”, so why did Zechariah? Sarah didn’t believe either. It does make me realise that Yahweh takes everyone on their own merit.
Luke 2:37 – and she had been a widow for 84 years. Anna never left the temple courtyard but worshiped day and night by fasting and praying.
I am curious. She was praying and fasting for 84 years? What type of fast was this? Logic dictates that she must eat/drink at some point, but when if “day and night?” Was it that she was supernaturally sustained all these years? I want to know! I’m so confused.
Luke 2:44 – They thought that he was with the others who were traveling with them. After traveling for a day, they started to look for him among their relatives and friends.
I am almost positive that I’ve heard it preached countless times that they travelled for three days before they realised that Jesus was missing. But that wasn’t so. It did take three days to find him though. Which reminds me of another three days when Jesus was in the tomb and Mary et al asked “the gardener” if he knew where to find Jesus.
Luke 4:2 – where he was tempted by the devil for 40 days. During those days Jesus ate nothing, so when they were over, he was hungry.
I’m embarrased. Why didn’t I realise this before? For some reason I thought Jesus was tempted by the devil at the end of the forty days. But he was tempted during the forty days. So chances are the examples were only some of the ways he was tempted and also, it may have been a temptation today, respite next. Two temptations back to back. Kinda what the devil does now.
Luke 4:13 – After the devil had finished tempting Jesus in every possible way, the devil left him until another time.
Until another time. I know I do wish that it’s a one and done situation. He tempts me, I overcome and hurray!! But after he tempted Jesus every possible way, he left to come back! Which means we have to always brace for another temptation.