June 13, 2022
In the morning when I rise (3x)
Give me Jesus.
This is my prayer, morning, noon and night. Thank you for being here. For guiding my life and for speaking to me. I pray for your continued care (and I know that you will continue even without me asking, but I also like asking). Thank you for your incredible love that cannot be replicated anywhere in heaven or earth. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for me. Thank you for your help and your messages. Your reminders. Your timely much needed reminders to trust you no matter what it looks like now.
Today is a new day. Today, it’s yours. Today I am choosing to walk the path that you have set before me and to live in expectancy. I know many times, it’s easy to believe that you tell us what to do, every single second of the day. But I don’t believe that you micromanage every moment. You also listen to what we think and desire and adjust your stance accordingly. It’s amazing thinking about that: you did it with Moses, Ezekiel, Hezekiah (though this one did not work out for the best), that you hold us in such high regard that you desire to actually hear from us.
Thank you for listening to us. Thank you for taking into consideration our thoughts and thank you for not making us automatons. Thank you for all that you have done for us. Yahweh, today I ask for your guidance. Not just your usual (okay, that sounds weird), but that you will reveal to me aspects of me that are not of you. I know that I am not perfect and won’t be until you return, but each day I want to be more like you. Show me what I ought to do: what I need to develop in me. What you desire of me.
I ask for your spirit to dwell in me that I won’t be afraid to speak your word. That even if I don’t see fruit externally, by doing what you are asking me to do, I would grow spiritually in you. That I would keep my trust in you and what you said.
Help me not to lose hope in you and your promises. Be my peace that passes all understanding. My strength to go from day to day. My comforter and my God. Thank you for all that you are. I love you.
Lamentations 3:21-22 – “The reason I can still find hope is that I keep this one thing in mind: the Lord’s mercy. We were not completely wiped out. His compassion is never limited.
(Singing) Great is your mercy towards me. Your loving kindness towards me. Great is your mercy towards me, day after day!
Even in my darkest moments and my not so dark, but wonky moments, my hope is in you. Your compassion is never limited. You are always there, you always care and you will not allow anything to continue forever. You won’t deny people their rights in your presence (Lamentations 3:35) and that’s what I consider when I speak of you wanting to know our thoughts in a situation. Even if it’s not what is best for us, you still listen, but then you correct so that we don’t fall.
Thank you for being our guide, my helper. My friend. Today, I put my hands in your hands. My pen in your hands. My will in yours. Thank you for who you are. I love you!
Be my peace, my peace, Oh God.
Be my peace, my peace, Oh God.
Father light the way. Be my present help.
You’re my God. You’re my God.
One thing that you have been hitting over the head with: ask for help. Which is kinda funny because I am in “solitude.” But even here, you keep saying, “Ask for help. Yes, you’re used to doing things on your own, not relying on anyone else. Yes, people have disappointed you, but you still need to ask for help. Ask me.”
And honestly, I ask you, sometimes forgetting that even though you move in spiritual realms and can choose to respond spiritually, many times people are your hands and feet. And you will direct me to who to ask, I just need to listen to you and humble myself and ask.
The truth is, I felt bad bothering customer support for a free theme and kept searching online for code that would do what I needed. But eventually, I reached out and less than six hours later, there was a response with a solution that worked. I spent weeks trying to figure something out on my own because I didn’t want to bother anyone. Facepalm. I’m really trying. Scratch that. I am working on doing better. Well differently. Because who knows, there may be someone else you are encouraging to do more things for themselves. So differently. Not better. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me and that you continue to do for me.
Father light the way. Be my present help.
You’re my God. You’re my God.
- Purpose cannot be left behind. (Stop worrying about next and trust Yahweh). Delay, Denied, Destroyed, Discouraged. If Yahweh hasn’t opened the door for next, then there are some things he is still working on now.
So, this is the second time this message has come in the last twelve hours. After speaking about really hoping for an overnight success story. This is the season that I am in. I am moving in his will. In your will. So stop trying to rush ahead and stay where you have put me. And stop worrying about what is going to happen tomorrow.
People don’t understand when I say that I am in the country that I am supposed to be in. But it’s not for them to understand. It’s for me to do. Stay here. I can travel, but my roots are here.
Matthew 6:34 – So don’t ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
- Purpose leads you to learn. If next hasn’t come, there’s still something I have to learn. Lol. Yeah. What I asked about this morning. What do I need to do? To learn, to change.
- Purpose doesn’t take things personally. People who don’t have purpose will always be offended by people who do. Living a life of purpose would be awkward.