Morning Star
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February 21, 2022


How is it I’m jumping out of bed in shock? At 4:35 a.m.! I have no words! Thank you for rest (7 hours?!! How did that happen?!) Thank you for a new day. Thank you for waking me up this morning. I’m guessing you thought I needed the rest. Lol. Thank you! It’s Monday, I know a lot of folks dread Mondays, but truthfully I don’t. Thank you for a new week (work week that is).  Thank you for employment. Thank you for your vision over my life and your provision everyday. There’s so much that I am grateful for and I just want to thank you. Funny story (well not sure if it’s funny, but it’s definitely something). Whenever I revisit the prayers until the week before, literally 7 days before – I’m usually in shock. Like that was a week ago?! But honestly feels like this so much going on even though I am taking the time to come apart. And it’s interesting that I don’t even know what’s going on, on an international scale. And honestly not being involved has taken away a large part of my anxious thoughts and that’s good because those things are outside my realm of influence. 

Thank you for moving in my life. Thank you for being my companion, my friend. Lol. I’m here writing and I realised that my face is feeling so serious. But inside I’m smiling. Thank you Yahweh, you are so good. 

Haggai 2: 7-9 – I will shake all the nations, and the one whom all the nations desire will come. Then I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of Armies. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of Armies. This new house will be more glorious than the former declares the Lord of Armies. And in this place I will give them peace, declares the Lord of Armies. 

First off: Thank you for the idea. I don’t know yet when that programme will be – but thank you! Lol. “The Good Old Days.” I’m looking forward to it. 

You know what I noticed? In three verses, Yahweh (Lord of Armies) declared/said four times. Almost as if he wanted us to know for a fact that he said what he said. Don’t mix it up with anyone. Yahweh declared it, he will fill this house with glory. 

Glory: Abundance, honour, reverence, weight. 

Yahweh would be the one to fill the house, not us. We are called to build it and he will fill it. So often we wonder if our gifts are enough. If what you are doing is enough. But it’s not for us to wonder. We should do what he asked, he will provide. His glory applies to so many things – reverence, abundance and when Yahweh is in the midst, we can move forward in confidence. Why? Because he says so. 

Everything belongs to him. They were looking at the temple and thinking it wasn’t as glorious in looks as the first. But when Yahweh says  that everything is his. He’s also saying, it doesn’t matter where it is used or if you’re not seeing it in front of you, it all belongs to him anyhow. He will use it where he sees fit. 

The new house will be more glorious. In what way? So often man continues to look at outward appearance. So they looked at the new temple and think it lacks. It’s not looking how it should, but is it fulfilling its purpose? That’s what Yahweh looks for! Our physical churches now look different. It has more of a virtual presence at times, but is its purpose being done? That’s what is important. It is glorious because it is filled with Yahweh’s glory. It is glorious because the Saviour has come. It is glorious not because of the outside, but because of what is in it.

And in this place, I will give peace (Shalom). The word used is shalom. And often think of peace in one way. 

Peace: Freedom from disturbance, calm. 

But shalom means so much more than just peace. It means completeness, safety, prosperity and peace. So Yahweh, in this place: this place. Not over there that looks fancier. Not 10 years ago that looked more prosperous. In this place, he will complete us – make us whole, one with him. In this place there is safety. We don’t have to worry about coming to harm. He will protect. There is prosperity: financial, health and anyway he chooses to prosper us. And there is a piece that comes from resting in Yahweh. Knowing that he watches over his word.

And he said it: convey information

And he declared it: say something in an emphatic manner.

He is confident in what he said. What he declared, and his word never returns to him empty. Your word is all I need Yahweh. Once you have said it, it will come to pass. You will ensure your word. Thank you for your peace, not mine because mine is not as encompassing as yours. Thank you for opening my eyes to see even more of who you are and what you mean when you speak. Today is yours. I love you Yahweh. 


John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled; do not be afraid. 

He Gives Us Peace
He Gives Us Peace

Yahweh, I pray for Vie and Regī. They are in a season of transition. Strengthen them and keep them in your will. Vie has an interview today. Go before and prepare the way. Show her favour and may she be successful in her endeavours.

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