June 23, 2022
Good Thursday Morning Yahweh. Thank you for waking me up. I’ve noticed that it’s harder for me to fall asleep when extremely tired. Seems that it’s also harder to keep my mind from wandering. But I am here. I am thankful for life, health and strength. Lol. That’s something people would always say when giving testimonies at church. Thank you for today. Thank you for your grace over my life. This community, this nation. It is only by your grace that we are still alive. What will you have me do today?
But wait: the recognition that for all these things there is one simple answer, believe in you.
Peace: State of tranquillity or quiet. Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions. (smh. These ten dollar words to describe a five letter word).
Peace (Bible): Wholeness of life or body. Right relationship or harmony between two parties or people. Prosperity, success, fulfilment, victory over one’s enemy.
I think I prefer the Bible definition. My mind immediately went to this text:
John 14:27 (KJV) – Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
I learnt this in the King James Version, but other versions say it like this:
(God’s Word translation) I’m leaving you peace. I’m giving you my peace. I don’t give you the kind of peace that the world gives. So don’t be troubled or cowardly.
Honestly this text is so well known. Probably because we are all seeking peace in some way. I’ve spent time with this text before (February 21, 2022: He Gives us Peace), but it’s today I took notice of another word. “Give.” He says, “I give you peace.” The same word choices that he used in Haggai 2:9.
Exodus 33:14 – The Lord answered, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you peace.”
2 Thessalonians 3:16 – May the Lord of peace give you his peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.
Psalm 94:13 – You give him peace and quiet from times of trouble while a pit is dug to trap wicked people.
Jeremiah 33:6 – But I will heal this city and restore it to health. I will heal its people, and I will give them peace and security.
Sigh. I’m guessing (not really), the reason why so many don’t find peace is because we are looking for it everywhere else when Yahweh is offering it right here.
Give (Greek): didómi
To bestow, to grant, to pour, to supply, to entrust/trust, to produce.
Give (Hebrew): Observation – there doesn’t seem to be one word for “give” but compound words.
Exodus 33:14 – nuach : To rest, settle down, let remain, permit (and weirdly enough), leave, let alone. Though when you examine it further: to let alone or leave the things of this world will “give you peace.”
Psalm 94:3 – shaqat : To be quiet, undisturbed, appease, settle.
Jeremiah 33:6 – galah : To uncover, remove, to reveal, make known.
SIDEBAR: Hebrew can’t figure out one word for give?
What is truly interesting though is that give & rest are essentially tied up in one word. Pretty much not able to be separated. Even the definitions that seem contrary (uncover, reveal) are tied into something else. And they all show that it’s not something that we go looking for. Wherever we are, there is access, once we accept the gift offered.
Jeremiah 33:6 essentially refers to something that was already there: to reveal, to uncover. We can’t go finding peace because it is actually here, already given to us by Yahweh. We have to accept it, we have to reveal it. And we do that by giving up our worries (our cares). By believing in the God of Peace. By daily choosing to trust him.
There is truly nothing that we can earn or have to earn that is worthwhile. He gives everything to us in exchange for our stress, worries, etc. Thank you for your gifts. You have given so much to us. You truly are THE GIVER. Thank you for not making us have to go find peace. It’s right here – where you are and you freely give. Sometimes we get so busy doing things for you that we forget to spend time with you.
I think this is a mistake we all make. Even with earthly relationships. Not saying that doing isn’t important or don’t have a place, but “being” is probably more important. Being with that person. Spending time with that person. You can do a million things for me and never know me. And that’s literally what Yahweh says:
Matthew 7:23 – Then I will tell them publicly, ‘I’ve never known you. Get away from me, you evil people.
They did so many things, except get to know Yahweh who is there waiting to give us so much. Thank you for who you are. For your willingness to give of yourself. For your healing, your grace, your peace. Thank you for sharing who you are, for leaving the busy to spend time with me. I love you to you and back.
My Countrymen
Something that I admire about my countrymen: they will laugh about everything. Not that there isn’t concern, but very little keeps their spirits down for long. Well, except not being able to socialise. I think that aspect almost broke us. For a country where liming is an integral part of our culture, where hugs and handshakes were second nature (probably first nature), not being able to do that left a cloud. There were very few “jokes” about it. But the price of flour raise, price of chicken raise and while there are complaints, they will choose not to stress about it. They will laugh about it and then adjust: as someone said, I’ve been meaning to reduce how much flour I use. This is reason to. That spirit? I admire.
The most hilarious thing happened this morning. Got to the top of my hill and saw a young lady from the next street and stopped to say hi and offer her a ride. I had no idea (or rather I did not even see them) that my nephew and his friend were also waiting on top the hill for transport. By the time I turned down the window, the nephew was like, “You’re going town?” Well ended up taking the nephew and friend because the young lady would not travel with them (she actually didn’t even turn her head). Was just funny how it happened though.
His Ministry
The preacher just said something that just hit me that made me rewind: that this was what Yahweh was preparing me for when they said this is what it takes to build a ministry. The truth is: I wasn’t even thinking of it initially as ministry, but it is and it takes a lot. A lot more than I thought or imagined. But Yahweh has also been preparing me and this one thing I know: even when it gets frustrating, I can trust him to take me through.