The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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January 21, 2023


10:00 am : on my bed

I am thankful for rest.

For life. For Yahweh’s promises.

I started this thing where I would intentionally stop and give thanks to Yahweh. I don’t usually have “time” to write as I may be in a meeting or something, but today. I am home. I am resting. I am loved. I am hopeful. Yahweh, thank you for being the God of the promise. Thank you for your plans, not just for me, but this whole earth. Thank you for who you are. I love you.


11:19 am : 

There will always be “bills” to pay. But I guess knowing what to do first with the resources we have is more important.


12:02 pm : Still in my bed, but not sleeping. 

I have a lot to learn. Financially. The neighbour is playing his music loudly. It makes me want to leave home. But a question/statement was made.

Wealth is determined by how much money you keep. The truth is, there is a cost to almost everything. How do you minimise the expenses that go out while maximising what comes in? The truth is (right now), gasoline is one of the major expenses. So one thing I have to do is minimise this expense. It’s one step. So for now, limit where I go.


2:34 pm : sitting in church

Yahweh. Confession. I don’t know how I would be able to build. I am not seeing the resources. But I am also choosing not to worry. But (lol, yes, but), I also I don’t want to just sit doing nothing, So Yahweh, I am here. I am willing to work, invest. Save. Build. Whatever you require. I am here.

Twelve: God’s power and authority.

Twenty-two: Light – God’s word.


8:08 pm : Lol. Where else on a Saturday night when I’m not into the party scene and I didn’t plan anything? 

No Bed of Roses – Bjonn Pierre

Heard this song for the first time this evening. And it’s a reminder to hold on to Yahweh. He is power and has all authority. Life isn’t a bed of roses, but our foundation can be unshakeable. Yahweh, thank you for your love and your power.


10:15 pm 

Exodus 14:14 –  The Lord is fighting for you! So be still!

Thank you for fighting for me. I started watching a movie and stopped. The movie is about God’s waiting room. Sometimes it does feel like I’m only in the waiting room. But I know that you are working all things out. Thank you for today. For your reminders. For always reminding me when hope is starting to pale. Thank you for your love.


What am I thankful for?

  1. The youth programme today went well. Publicly. There was so much stuff behind the scenes, but most folks didn’t know so yayyyy!!
  2. My God. Who wipes every tear.
  3. Financial unlearning. Been reading. And also have to take a bookkeeping course and also think of ways to increase my income generating assets.


Dear God – Cory Asbury

Truthfully it matches my weepy mood.


Faithful Wounds – Cory Asbury

“Am I a prisoner of hope or just the warden of my pain? My head knows to trust you, but the heart of me is slain.”


Zechariah 9:12 (KJV) – Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee.

Ephesians 4:1 (KJV) –  I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.


This scripture was in the sermon this morning. Yahweh, help me to walk worthy. Strengthen Miya also in you.

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