February 20, 2023
5:00 pm : in my room
I just came from dropping my aunt home. She was discussing house plans for her and towards the end, I indicated that I don’t fancy massive houses and that the design for my house (it will be mine until I become a we) is essentially a tiny home. She asked me though why I wanted to move out of my parents home. The answer is simple, I would like my own space. I love my parents and the house, but it’s a reflection of them: their style etc. My room reflects me, but it is still within the confines of what was there before. I do intend to renovate when the resources are available to, but the reality is that this is my parents house with it becoming the family house eventually. Does it mean I will never live here again? Nope. But I won’t move here with my family with parents here. There’s also the option for Don and family to move back here also. But that’s all discussions for another day. Yahweh, I pray for your grace and guidance for life. For building, I pray also that the cost of construction is not ridiculously high. Be with the estimator, the company, may your favour rest on them and allow the costs to be low. Amen.
9:00 pm
So. I was watching this show about a female lawyer who was not allowed to practise law. Times have truly changed, yet so many things remain the same.
What am I thankful for?
- The time I was born.
- The battles that were fought before me that allows me to go to school to vote, to work.
- Walking. Two days in a row. Haven’t been able to walk two days straight since I started back walking.