March 17, 2022 (Singing) Jesus will provide! Jesus Will provide! When the cupboard is empty, Jesus will provide. This morning as I was about to make my smoothie, I realised that I could not find any flaxseed. (Singing) Searched high and low, couldn’t find no flaxseed. Looked all around, still couldn’t find no flaxseed. …
March 2022 – Of His Promises
The month where Yahweh showed me his promises and reminded me to trust him AND his promises
Choose You Today
March 18, 2022 Faithful you are. And all your promises are yes and amen! Thank you Yahweh for another day – another day to spend with you, to do what you’ve called. To live. Thank you for your purpose in my life, for watching over me and your word. Thank you for choosing to …
Double Sigh Day
March 18, 2022 CONFESSION: I’m not sure how I feel. HR is asking for officers with complaints regarding the officer who is horrible at her work to write. Also for customers to write their complaints. This would allow them to deal with the staff member. But I’m not inclined to start this complaint process. …
My Father, My Friend
March 18, 2022 We need to find that sweet spot. Speaking from experience (though I did not experience both sides of the pendulum), we often see Yahweh as GOD (yes, all caps), but only God. The Almighty, King of kings, Who sits high. Who commands the oceans to cease and they do. Or we …
The Anchor Holds
March 19, 2022 (Singing) Hosanna in the highest, may your name be lifted up. Hosanna. Yahweh, you are God above all. You are the King of kings. No one can compare to you. You love us with an everlasting, unbelievable, incomprehensible love and I am thankful for it. Because you saved me. Raised me …
Jesus the Carpenter – Lost in Translation
March 19, 2022 Okay, okay. So when I’m listening to a sermon, I expect that the speaker would have done their research, sought guidance from Yahweh, the whole shebang. There have been times I’ve pulled to the side of the road to check the definition of something given and had my mouth drop open …
This Time and Everytime
March 19, 2022 Sometimes you just have to smile – after church this evening one of the youths in church asked me if I could give him a ride home. I smiled and said nope, expecting that he would know that I was joking. He said, okay and started to walk away. I called …
Three Score + a Million More
March 20, 2022 Oh let everything that hath breath, praise the Lord. I will praise you Yahweh, with everything that is within me. Thank you for your presence around me. Thank you for your love and your grace. Thank you for the million and one miracles that you bless me with everyday. Sometimes when …
Minimalist at Heart
March 20, 2022 How is it possible to accumulate so much stuff?! I think I’m a minimalist at heart but did not know it before, because it seems normal to have “stuff” until you realise that we don’t need all this stuff. I went through my closet today (not the clothes, did that before …
Take Nothing For Granted
March 20, 2022 So often we take it for granted when we leave home that we are coming back safely. Yahweh, thank you for your protection on the road. The last two days it felt like the other drivers were targeting me, it was crazy. Tonight, someone was literally driving on “my side” of …