March 20, 2022
Oh let everything that hath breath, praise the Lord.
I will praise you Yahweh, with everything that is within me. Thank you for your presence around me. Thank you for your love and your grace. Thank you for the million and one miracles that you bless me with everyday.Â
Sometimes when I look ahead, I wonder how and when things would be accomplished, because I can’t even begin to see how and am only hoping for a when for some of these things. But you hold the future and the present, you can do all things and while I cannot boast in myself, I can boast in you, because you see highways when I see a sea. You see rivers where I see a desert. And I know that in the end it’s not about my strength or abilities. In the end there would be no doubt that it was you and not me.Â
You are my everything and it’s in you I live, in you that I can move. It is because of you (who you are and what you do) that I am still here. You are truly an awesome wonder, name above all names and nothing, no one can compare to you.Â
Thank you for waking me up this morning. It was a little weird, I was awake and did not even realise that I was awake for a good minute. I dreamt, but the dream had faded. Â Thank you for a new day. Each new day is a promise – another step (?) in your promise and I am thankful for it.Â
Proverbs 23:18 – There is indeed a future, and your hope will never be cut off.Â
When we put our trust in you, we have no reason to fear: we have a hope in you. And since no one looks forward to bad, no one hopes for bad, we know that whatever the future is, it is good. Because you are good. You move in goodness and you ensure that your goodness and mercy surrounds me.Â
I have no reason to fear. I have no reason, but it’s easy to be crippled by the fear of the future especially when everything seems up in the air (hello anxiety). But that’s a recipe for disaster, trying to figure out how everything in the air would come down, because it may come crashing down instead of lifting me up the way it’s supposed to. I need to always remember who is still holding things up and trust him all the more. This too shall pass. All will come to an end because you aren’t just looking at my three score, you are looking to eternity and you smile for us, for me because you know that it is good.Â
2 Corinthians 1:9,10 – In fact, we still feel as if we are under a death sentence but we suffered so that we would stop trusting ourselves and learn to trust God, who brings the dead back to life. He has rescued us from a terrible death, and he will rescue us in the future.Â
This is confidence. He will rescue us. Not maybe, he will. Sometimes Yahweh shows us a glimpse of us fifteen years from now. What that means is that you know that even in a situation that seems unto death, it’s actually unto life. He did it before, he will do it again. And this isn’t a statement of taking tomorrows for granted (or rather it should not be). It should be a statement of hope and rejoicing and worship, that Yahweh will do it again. We can trust him. He still will. He will continue to. He yet will. There is no doubt of his actions, he will save us.Â
Matthew 5:12 – Rejoice and be glad because you have a great reward in heaven! The prophets who lived before you were persecuted in these ways.Â
CONFESSION: I used to believe that the only “reward” or “good thing”, would be in heaven. That on this earth, I don’t have anything to look forward to, just do what I’m supposed to and endure this life on earth until he comes. But it’s not just about heaven and the new earth. “Instead they should put their confidence in God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17b)
So I can rejoice for the now, my immediate future and the future in heaven. The difference is that in heaven there will be no more trials. All those would be done away with. But while on this earth, still remember to rejoice and be glad in him, because he has promised us both here and hereafter.Â
Thank you Yahweh, for making me smile at my future. I truly love that text you now, since the first day I saw it.Â
Proverbs 31:25 – She dresses with strength and ability, and she smiles at the future.
And I can smile too because you hold the future. You are in control and I can trust you. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. I love you.Â

I Will Fear No More by The Afters
This Sunday Morning
I was publicly prayed for this morning in the prayer session. It was a strange feeling, unexpected. I’ve prayed for others whenever they came into my thoughts. I would send prayers for people specifically calling them by name. I wasn’t expecting to be prayed for. Thank you for the prayers.Â