March 18, 2022
We need to find that sweet spot. Speaking from experience (though I did not experience both sides of the pendulum), we often see Yahweh as GOD (yes, all caps), but only God. The Almighty, King of kings, Who sits high. Who commands the oceans to cease and they do. Or we see him as human. Who has friends, who got tired and needed rest and food like everyone else. The problem is that neither is a full representation of Yahweh. He is glorious and accessible. He is the judge and the intercessor. He’s a friend and a warrior. But so often we view him as one or the other. He’s so holy we can’t come to him or he’s right there and we take him for granted. But what we need is to understand both and to do that we need to have a relationship with him.Â
2 Corinthians 5:18, 19 – God has done all this. He has restored our relationship with him through Christ and has given us this ministry of restoring relationships. In other words, God was using Christ to restore his relationship with humanity.Â
Yes, that statement from this morning still bothers me, because I have experienced it. Where we think of God as this far off, turn up your nose, dictatorship type of God, who just gives commands we must follow them or else we go to hell. And it scares me that things like that are out there. But at creation, a relationship was created and continued until the fall. Yahweh put things in place to restore that relationship. So why would he force us? Then he would not have gone through the whole restoration process. He would have just spoken, snapped a finger or something and we would “walk” with him once more. But it wouldn’t be by choice. Beautiful things happen when we partner with Yahweh – that relationship that was worth dying for.Â
- A relationship with Yahweh. Hold up. A healthy relationship with Yahweh.
- Hot water heater is actually working.
- Tears of Joy. RaeRae working on the site. I think cake is definitely in order for him when I bake my birthday cake. I don’t he fully understands how much I am thankful for what he is doing.Â
I am completely without words. I am also seeing where there are small steps that I can (and would need to) take in other things. So I will take those steps.Â
Thank you for being my father and my friend. For being the King of kings and my helper. Thank you for being all and everything that I need.Â
Yahweh, I pray that others will come to know you and have that relationship with you. I look at the young adults and the church (older adults too) and for so many it’s all about the ritual of the service or the works that are done and it seems like no matter what is done or said, the desire for relationship does not grow and it’s hard and I don’t know what else to do.Â
Yahweh, open their hearts to you. Prick them to realise that relationship is more important than service. Relationship is more important than service.Â

Thank you for your love and for opening your arms to us, to me. I love you.