March 11, 2023
11:11 am
We are all called to work. We are not all called to do the same work.
It may look like preaching for some or visiting homes for another. Writing a book for someone else or singing.
12:38 pm
Yahweh will work in us based on what we believe. Some faiths don’t hold to “instantaneous” healings and they don’t see it. But in other places/people that do and see the evidence of miraculous, instantaneous healings.
Yahweh, I truly want to see an outpouring of your Spirit in miracles, signs and wonders. So our eyes will be opened. Our hearts to be drawn closer to you.
The Spirit is not for just one aspect of our lives, but for all aspects. Help us to open our eyes, our hearts to all of you. Amen.
5:48 pm – Resting (sorta)
I don’t feel like going anywhere. I want to sleep, but I made a commitment so gonna rest for all of ten minutes or so and then get ready to leave.
1:20 am – in my bed.
Who would have thought I would enjoy a netball game more than a Games Night? Not me. It was actually fun, though they started inordinately late. Went to the Games night after and (sadly)it was all couples. What is hilarious is that all these couples met in some way because of me. It was nice though. Not as fun as the netball, but I also got carrot cake and pizza.
Thank you for today. I usually (don’t always succeed) try to leave feelings out of many decision. Today I made an even greater effort. Now I don’t believe that feelings should be completely ignored because they are there for a reason. But they definitely should not be in control. Thank you for working things out with the game. We were short an umpire and one showed up with bibs!! Like what?! That is definitely you. It was really fun.
What am I thankful for?
- The very willing umpire and the unexpected one.
- Carrot cake!
- Feelings that I did not answer to.
You ever noticed that none of my friends have single friends that they could introduce me to? You really, really, really working a miracle yes. But I am thankful for that. You deserve all the glory from that story. I’m sorry that Jeffers isn’t part of the picture, but I do know that your plans are amazing and good. Looking forward.
Thank you for everything. Thank you. Strengthen my husband in you. I pray that he seeks you in all things. That he sees me at the appointed time and that I would also see. Keep him Yahweh. This is my prayer, in the name of Jesus. Amen.