a young green plant growing out of the soil,. The words, "The Source of Hope" written below
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March 12, 2023


8:40 am – barely awake

Good Morning Yahweh. The truth is, I don’t like having “devotions” this late: the neighbours are too noisy. But in my defense (lol), I did go to bed very late for a cause. Thank you for a new day and a new week. Thank you for all that you’ve done. For who you are. You are a good, awesome, fantastic God and friend. And today is Harvest! I’m missing the service today, but Mom was able to go. I pray that the true meaning of Harvest would be resurrected and your word spread throughout the village. Touch them. Restore us to you. In the name of Jesus.

 Psalm 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

Here is this scripture again. It came up as the verse for the day. March 9, it came up (but apparently I forgot to write how). Sigh. Yahweh, help me to let go. To stop worrying about everything. Plan where you’re called me to plan. Move where you’ve called me to move. But stop worrying. I want to do more than try to stop, cause truthfully when I think at the current impossibility of all these promises there is nothing I can do on my own. You will (must) get all the glory. You never make a promise that you can’t keep. And I have to trust you. And that includes not worrying. Thank you for your word. Your grace. Your love. I love you.


Steps to overcoming worry (Devotional sent to me this morning).

Step 1: Know that I don’t need to know all the answers.

Step 2: Know that Yahweh cares for me.

Step 3: Trust Yahweh.


Jesus Loves Me

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