a young green plant growing out of the soil,. The words, "The Source of Hope" written below
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March 6, 2023


5:49 am : now getting up

Truthfully I’m tired. I am ready for vacation, but will wait until July. Yahweh, I pray for the strength to make it.

Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day. Thank you for your everlasting grace and mercy. Thank you for the strength to make it. To live for you. To choose the way you desire me to. That my desires would be in tune with yours. Thank you for all that you’ve done, all that you are. I love you.

Be praised. Forever and always.

So I was reading a short post that said, “One day, you will no longer have to wait. You will no longer have to wonder where you stand in someone’s life. One day you will no longer walk alone…” The comments ranged from, “Amen,” to “That one day will never come for me.” But the one that struck me was where the commenter said that “You are your own one day and your self-esteem should not be in someone else.”

I had to look back at the post to see if I read wrong. I think it has gotten toxic when people push the idea that if you desire a relationship with someone that your self esteem is low. It may very well be that the person who wrote the comment has built up such walls that their idea of good self-esteem is to never desire a relationship, but I pray that they are healed. That their heart would be opened. In your name. Amen.


8:32 am : in the car

I don’t know if I have the energy today. Today was supposed to be a fast day. With my complete lack of energy, I decided to forgo that. I’m on my way to work though. Imma fake it today. Yahweh, give me strength.


1:19 pm : at my desk

Can someone please tell me how I went from just taking it easy today to meeting, resolving a title issue, organising to attend two conferences for work etc? Life so many times doesn’t go as planned.

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