March 22, 2022
We have a birthday today! Thank you for life and another day in you. Another day to learn more of you and to show your love to others. Another day that I will not take for granted. Thank you for who you are, thank you for your grace. You alone are worthy to be praised. You are King, my God and I will trust you.Â
Zechariah 14:9 – The Lord will be king of all the earth. On that day the Lord will be the only Lord and his name the only name.Â
There will come a day when all the usurpers, the wannabes, would be toppled from their pretend thrones. The crown they wear would be destroyed and the only true king would stand uncontested. There will be no one who would dare to say that he’s not the king (well they may still try, but they would not succeed). His name would be the only name heard. He would stand and Jerusalem would stand with him.Â
Jerusalem (Spiritual) would be under attack and just in time (because he is an on time God), the only risen king would come and fight for his people and would be triumphant. The only one who could do this is Yahweh, Jesus. The king above all kings. Even earthly people try to fight for his throne. Satan is trying to steal it, but he, Yahweh, is king for a reason. He’s strong and mighty and though they try they will not succeed.Â
Isaiah 33:22 – The Lord is our judge. The Lord is our law giver. The Lord is our king. The Lord is our Saviour.Â
Who is like our God? So many try to do what he does. To be who he is. He is our God. Our judge, our Saviour and our king. But he doesn’t rule the way kings have been taught to rule. He doesn’t take the wealth of the nation for himself. He doesn’t make the people become his slave: to fulfill his every whim. He does not live in a palace by himself (so to speak) and his subjects live in hovels and eek out a living however they can. He is the true example of the king. A pure example of how a king should be. One who fights for his people. Who builds houses (mansions) for all who follow him. One to fight for his people: not from the back where he watches his people get slaughtered but from the front, where he saves them from being eternally destroyed. Thank you for being King today and the only king on that day. When no one else can stand and the war would be over.Â
Psalm 24:10 – Who then, is this King of glory? The Lord of armies is a king of glory!
He is the one who is mighty in battle, filled with glory. Have you noticed how much the idea of who a king is supposed to be, how he is supposed to act has changed? Been perverted? That’s what Satan does. He takes what Yahweh has decreed and tries to twist it for his own. . But he never succeeds.
When Yahweh stands as a fair judge, Satan is deceitful.
When Yahweh stands as a conquering king, Satan cowers as a defeated foe.
When Yahweh saves his people from their sins, Satan tricks them to be killed.
The kings of this earth don’t go into battle. They sit and send others to die for them. The kings of this earth demand taxes to support them. The king of this earth takes a crown for himself alone. But not the only risen king. He stands at the head of the army. He died for his people and then rose for his people. He gives off his endless riches to his people and he gives a crown to everyone who comes to him. I think that I, not I think…I will/am choosing the King of kings as my king. Because he is just better than all the others out there. He is good. He is strong and might. He is the king.Â
Yahweh, thank you for sitting on the everlasting throne. Thank you for fighting for us and getting rid of all the false kings who try to kill and destroy us. You are God alone. You alone are king. You alone are worthy to be praised. I give you all the glory! I bow before you Yahweh, as my Lord, my Saviour, my king. Thank you for saving me. Thank you.Â