July 21, 2022
“Cut the Ropes”
“Faith has no Contingency Plans”
All week I’ve been getting some version of this message and on Tuesday I literally said, no Plan B. I will trust where you lead even if it looks like it’s off a cliff. I don’t always understand and at times doubt wants to creep in, but I will go back to your word every time. I will choose to trust you and believe the same way you choose to love me. Thank you for your words. Reminders to trust you. No backup plans.
Habakkuk 1:5 – Look among the nations and watch. Be amazed and astonished. I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe even if it were reported to you.
In speaking with a friend who has been getting the same messages and he sent me this scripture. And it just made me love the book of Habakkuk more. Thank you.
Witness QuarantineÂ
I’m currently waiting at a desk. I wonder if I will be called. But I will remember to, “be honest and smile.”
One of the attorneys (not involved in the case) passed by and saw me sitting at a desk because the trial is virtual and I am not supposed to be in the room during the examination of other witnesses. She asked me if I’m in witness quarantine. Best line I’ve heard in a while.
I’m smiling. I’m smiling. I promise you I’m smiling. I’ve been here since 9am. It’s now 3:33pm. I suspect that I won’t be going for a walk this evening. Annnnndddd the trial is to be continued in October. Lol. Oh boy. You know there are visions that people have about certain professions? I have never desired to be an attorney: was convicted of that even more today.