time with Yahweh during the day
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August 29, 2022


CONFESSION: I’m a bit scared. Not like frantic out of my mind scared, but I am scared. And I keep reminding myself that you’ve got it. You’ve got my back. I need to rest in you. No king can save himself by his large army and I don’t even have an army, so I am using you and yours (and that sounds kinda wrong). The truth is, there is a time limit involved and I have to trust you. You will work it out. But the biggest concern is, what if you’re sending me to someone and I miss the directions? Help me to stay focused on you and your desires. To trust you and when doubt comes, to trust you.

In being specific  with the right now need. One million dollars. And I’m only saying that because of the dream (July 17, 2022). Make payments. Clear debts (facepalm). Return tithes and offering as first and not last. Finish the house and then build in Moriah. I pray for your guidance in everything. I’m holding on to you. No matter what. You promised rain and I pray for this rain. Not just to water me, but those around me. Your will Yahweh. To trust and love you. Amen.

The story of Elijah on Mt. Carmel has been featuring a lot. Last year that story really touched me because I never considered what it meant for Elijah to not see an immediate answer. A few weeks ago, it came up again and today. Once again. Yahweh, I am  here, I am yours. I will keep on trusting you. Your deliverance, because it’s only through you that I will be delivered. And thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I just said to myself and was about to write it down once again

Psalm 33:16-17 – No king achieves a victory with a large army. No warrior rescues himself by his own great strength. Horses are not a guarantee for victory. Their great strength cannot help someone escape.

Because I can’t win this victory, but you can. And then the speaker starts speaking about Ahab and his horses. Horse of great strength. But the hand of God was on Elijah and he outran the horses. The king had the horses and chariots, but Elijah had your hand on him and out stripped the horses. Yahweh, you are my God and your hand is on me. I don’t need horses or chariots. I have you. I don’t need to be a king or to have chariots, you are here. Yahweh, this is your miracle. Your testimony. Your victory. Not even mine. This is yours. Help me to tell your testimony at all times. I need you to save, to deliver me. Thank you for your deliverance. I love you.


the words "victory belongs to Jesus" written in black, pink and silver

You know, I have as my wallpaper the words, “Believe, the Lord won’t delay.” And there are times when I bypass the wallpaper on the phone to do what I want to do. But the truth is, we should take the time to remember and meditate on the words that Yahweh has given. We should not bypass them, we should not forget them. We need to write these words in our hearts. Yahweh, I believe that you won’t delay. You will move at the appointed time.

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