March 9, 2023
5:39 am : in my bed
You’re not done with us. You’re not done writing our story.
Yahweh, I look forward to the day when you return. When Volume II of the story starts. But today I am thankful that you’re still revealing our story. And I started saying reveal because you already know the end from the beginning. You are the author, but we are awaiting the conclusion of the book. We admire the courage and strength of the men and women in the Bible. We cheer on characters in books. And yet we forget that we’re in a similar situation and beat ourselves up for:
- How long something is taking.
- Making mistakes.
- Not knowing what’s the next step.
Yahweh, help us to remember that:
- You are in control of times and seasons. You’ve got it even though it seems like forever.
Acts 1:7 – He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know.
We don’t need to know. Sigh. It is a bit hard not knowing, but that truly comes down to trust. Do I trust you?
- You don’t hate us when we make mistakes. You correct us, but you don’t hate us.
Romans 5:8 – But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
Confession: this is the text that first came to mind, but I was like, “Let me find something else.” but this is the truth. You died for us. To cover your sins. To redeem us. That’s how much you love us.
- We don’t need to always know two, three steps ahead of us. In fact, we may not even have a step to take. You may be calling us to stand still. To be still. Confession: this is the hardest thing for me to do. Probably why you’re still asking me to stand still. To be still. To do my day to day yes, but in reference to the promises made I am to stand still.
Sidenote: Yahweh, I need to move on. I’m actually still going over the comments from yesterday and truthfully trying to figure out when did I show “attitude.” But I’m going to lay it aside because even if I did, Yahweh forgive me and help me to stop beating myself up. Thank you for your grace. She was probably having a bad day. I pray that she is at peace with you and that her day goes well today. Amen.
Exodus 14:14 – The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.
I know that this one is for me. May not apply to everyone not knowing the end from the beginning. But in this season, you are asking me to stand still (again). Imma stand. Still. Imma be. Still. You are God. You know what’s best. I love you.
Psalm 46:10 – (KJV) Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Be still, so that you will be exalted. Thank you for your grace and your promises. I love you.
11:49 am – at my desk
I literally had to “force” myself to stop. There is so much work to be done and the truth is I cannot do it all in one day or even ten. So I cleared a lot and decided to stop. To breathe. To write. To gather my thoughts.
Yahweh, I am thankful that you gifted me with a brain that is working well (I believe. It seems so anyhow). It’s easy to take it for granted, but we all have different capacities. I used to wish I had a photographic memory. It always seemed so cool: to see a picture and remember every detail or read a book and remember everything. But while I am thankful for this mind, I am also thankful I don’t have a photographic memory: there are things in life that I definitely don’t want to remember. Thank you for your grace and for knowing all things but yet forgetting our confessed sins. Thank you.