Morning Star
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October 9, 2022


Psalm 125:1-2 – Those who trust the Lord are like Mount Zion, which can never be shaken. It remains firm forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people now and forever.

Thank you for surrounding us and protecting us. Thank you Yahweh for being the shield that is all around us. For saving us. You are still slaying giants. You still do what is considered impossible to man. You are still showing up. You are still moving. You still have the entire world in your hand. You are still mighty.

So many times I’ve heard it said that you never change (which is actually true), but they usually apply it to what you do instead of who you are. And for years that tripped me up because how can scripture say you never change but yet scripture is also saying that you repented of your decision?


Malachi 3:6 – “I, the Lord, never change. That is why you descendants of Jacob haven’t been destroyed yet.


Romans 11:29 – God never changes his mind when he gives gifts or when he calls someone.


But then there is scripture like this that seems to say the opposite.


Amos 7:3 –  The Lord changed his plans about this. “This won’t happen,” the Lord said.


Exodus 32:14 – So the Lord reconsidered his threat to destroy his people.


2 Samuel 24:16 –  But when the Messenger stretched out his arm to destroy Jerusalem, the Lord changed his mind about the disaster. “Enough!” he said to the Messenger who was destroying the people. “Put down your weapon.” The Messenger of the Lord was at the threshing floor  of Araunah the Jebusite.

So which one is it, Yahweh? I’ve heard so many different arguments such as because you know the future, you knew what would happen and so just said what you said to bring about the change in people. But this is why this is troubling to me – then what’s the point of us thinking and reasoning together? What’s the point of you wanting us to be friends if you just do what you want to do? And Yes, I did believe that at one point, that since you will do what you want to do anyhow, why bother? But you want to include us in your plans. You said you desire to reveal to us every secret thing. The times when you changed your mind occurred while talking with one of us. So this is my thought (and I stand/sit corrected).

You don’t change your character. You are kind, you are good, etc.

Your thoughts are completely beyond us. But in order for us to understand you, you veil your thoughts. Because if you didn’t we wouldn’t even begin to understand what you are saying. But even your veiled thoughts are good and you desire good for us in the end. So once we demonstrate in our conversations with you that we understand what you are saying in a moment then you “change your mind.” Your thoughts are revealed, unveiled. Though still not all.

But then again. You are a paradox. Do I need to understand how you think? Why you do what you do? I know for me, if there is conversation with someone and there isn’t any true discourse, after a while I won’t want to talk with that person. Or they me. There is some facet of me that changes: at least how you do things, or we would not have seen transitions in culture over the years. We would not have seen the creation of technology. All these come from you. Your methods change with time. Your character never changes. And when we speak, you listen and however that aspect works, I’m not going to worry about it because I can’t explain it. But I do know you listen, you take into account my thoughts and feelings. And I am thankful for that. Thank you for being a friend. The friend above all friends.


I’m feeling a bit weary. It’s the “crash” after the high. When you’re getting into the nitty gritty of the work that you have to do. And part of me is itching to get cracking on the journal making and selling, but there is still a lot to be sorted out, including the logo which will be in/on the journals. I did make one journal for a friend but it did not include the logo in it, but going forward they need to be.


Joel 1:14 – Schedule a time to fast!
Call for an assembly!
Gather the leaders and everyone who lives in the land.
Bring them to the temple of the Lord your God,
and cry to the Lord for help.


Making note where Yahweh through his prophet says he may change his mind.

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