June 9, 2022
Is it okay to just sing and worship you this morning? Because that’s what’s in my thoughts this morning.
     No one can worship you for me!! No one!! Unless I’m dead and even then, they’ll be worshipping you for themselves, not me.
Let Praises Rise – Todd Galbreth
Lean Not on my Own Understanding – Leon Timbo
   “I will climb this mountain with my hands wide open.” The first time the magnitude of what this line meant, it just broke me. It’s not about me and the more I try to do it on my own strength, the more I fail. But when I let go and rely on Yahweh, he climbs for me. He carries me up and to others it may look like a miracle: I’m not “holding on” to anything, no ropes, no ridges. But the truth is, I’m holding on to the one who made the mountain and who knows how best to climb it.
Your Spirit – Tasha Cobb Leonard
Heart of Worship – Tommee Profitt and McKenna Sabin
Psalm 57:7-11 – My heart is confident, O God. My heart is confident. I want to sing and make music.
Wake up, my soul!  Wake up, harp and lyre! I want to wake up at dawn.
I want to give thanks to you among the people, O Lord. I want to make music to praise you among the nations
because your mercy is as high as the heavens. Your truth reaches the skies.
May you be honored above the heavens, O God. Let your glory extend over the whole earth.
I have decided (to follow Jesus), go back to my (sorta) dancing to music in the morning as my morning exercise. The official exercise videos kill my spirit and by the fifth day, I have no motivation to do them. But I can move to music any day. And it has begun, the unusual requests on Facebook. Yahweh, protect me!