Morning Star
Spread the love

June 15, 2022


Sometimes, I don’t know what to say and just want to be quiet (but praying not to fall asleep in the quiet). My heart is yours. This moment. Today. 

Thank you for healing, for restoration. For your undeniable leading in my life. For your daughters. Help us to trust you no matter how crazy it looks. How improbable it looks. We are planning a prayer retreat. To truly step away from the routine of our day to day and seek your face. Help us to truly trust you in all things. Provide the resources needed to accomplish what you have called us to. There is no coincidence that it’s five rooms. Five of us. I lift Thea up especially before you. For her to trust you in and out of season. For her to look past the physical and see what you are calling her to do. To call her. I pray that she hears and answers. That any doubts, hesitation would be sacrificed to you. Keep her Yahweh in your will. 

Thank you for your leading.

Thank you for your promises.

Thank you for your favour.


Psalm 89:17 – because you are the glory of their strength. By your favor you give us victory.


By your FAVOUR, you give us VICTORY


Psalm 89:17 (KJV) For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted


Victory: The overcoming of an enemy

Horn: Symbol of strength, especially to be lifted up.

Favour: Goodwill, Acceptance, Desired, Pleased. 

Strength: Boldness, Loud, Might, Power. 

Glory: Adornment, Beauty, Honour, of Renown. 


We can only be lifted up in your strength. Your favour, your glory. It is through you, we have the victory.  We can overcome in you. Yahweh, you know the personal battles because you are a personal God. Draw nigh to each of us and grant us your favour. Your understanding. Your love. There is no other like you who can do what you do. Who can love us the way that you do. 

Open our hearts, Yahweh, to receive your love. It is our desire to walk in your spirit. To trust you beyond what we can see. I lift before you the prayers of your daughters. Their personal struggles. Our desire to know you for ourselves. The desire for a home: a place of safety and security. A place dedicated to you and to lift you up. 

Yahweh, be our strength so that you will be glorified. It all belongs to you. Let the words we speak find favour in your heart. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.


God's Favour written in Green and Red with pink flowers around it and a dark green swirl. The scripture Psalm 5:12

God’s Favor by Donald Lawrence. 


Today I did something completely unorthodox and honestly it wasn’t an easy decision. Every day a specific officer is told to speak to the person before the call is to be transferred to them. Everyday. And everyday calls are just transferred without any contact before. Many times we think it’s an internal call only to answer and realise that it’s an outside call. Today the officer did it again. I did not take the call – so it would bounce back and hopefully they do the right thing. I’m of the firm belief that it’s time to stop enabling the nonsense. 

Spread the love