Morning Star
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January 30, 2022 


Good morning Yahweh. Not sure if it’s you or the dog that woke me up, but I am up. Slight headache included. Thank you for a new day, thank you for your mercy and your love.

Sigh. How angry do you get with us when you tell us to do something, make the way for us to do it and we don’t do it? The time has now passed and we decide now we want to do it and then end up making a big, stinking mess?

Imma assume, you get angry because I am right now and I truly don’t want to hold on to this anger. Help me. The dog. Yes THAT dog!

Thank you for not letting go of me. 

I’m listening to music and worshipping along with it and I’m reminded of the story of a group that is blindfolded and then asked to touch an animal (an elephant in this case). After touching the elephant they were each asked to describe the elephant. One said the animal was long and skinny, another said that it was thick and solid like a tree. Yet another said the animal was flat and flexible. The truth is for so many of us we can be focused on you, but so focused that we have tunnel vision and miss the other parts of who you are.

It might be easy to see you as a provider and miss that you also the Comforter. There are so many facets to who you are. Help me, Yahweh, to not focus on one part of you that may seem comfortable or easy to understand. Help me to take the time to walk around, to get to know as much of you as I can. I can’t even presume to see all of you because there’s parts that are beyond the grasp of the mind. But you are God! Hallelujah! You are worthy to be praised. Thank you for who you are – the seen and the unseen.

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