November 27, 2022
Dear Yahweh, confession. You are very dear to me. There are many things, many people that I hold dear, but you are the one most dear to me.
Why? Because you are awesomely amazing.
You are beautiful beyond compare.
You are caring. When the world is mean and callous, you show that you care.
You are delightful and you encourage us to delight ourselves in you so that you can do what needs to be done.
You are excellent.
You are fantastic.
You are gracious and you wait on us so that you can be gracious to us.
You are holy. The most holy. Everything for you is set apart.
You are involved. This world could not function without you. That’s how involved you are.
You are just. You make the right decisions. You know what is best.
You are knowledge. Literally. You know everything. You are everything. You teach us all things.
You are love. When we look up the word love, every writer describes you. You are the very embodiment of love.
You are majestic. We can’t even begin to imagine how your majesty is majestic.
You are nurturing. You nurture, take care of every facet of our lives.
You are original. Truthfully no “O” words were really coming to mind so I had to look up words. But the truth is, you are not just original with nothing or no one else like you, you are the origin. Everything starts from you.
You are peace, passionate. You are passionate about everyone of your children and you give us peace in every moment because peace originates from you.
You are quick. The irony is that you are waiting on us, but you also move quickly.
You are righteous. It’s only because of your covering why we can even stand today.
You are our Saviour. You are mighty to save. At the cross. Today. You save.
You are timely. You are the God of time. You created seasons and times and as such everything is done in its time.
You are unique. One of a kind.
You are victorious. You win every time. Every single time.
You are wholesome. Everything you touch is made whole again.
You are X. So I couldn’t think or find a word to describe you beginning with x, but as I wrote it, I thought of how x is used in Maths to represent the unknown. You desire to reveal yourself to us because so much of you is unknown. Thank you for allowing us to know parts of you.
You are. You. You are the only one that could even begin to be you.
You are zealous for me. You are fervent about us and what happens to us.
Yahweh, you are Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end and everything in between. Thank you Yahweh for teaching us your word. For being the Living Word. Thank you for being God. I love you.