June 25, 2022
Thank you Yahweh for waking me up this morning. Thank you for your love and your grace, for your movements in my life. Thank you for your son who died to save this earth. You saw something in us worth saving. You saw something worth creating and then saving. Thank you. The average person would not make something that they know would turn around and turn against them, but you’re not average and you’re another person.
You are my God: Psalm 118:28
You are my Friend: John 15:15
You are my Guide: Psalm 119:156
You are my Heart: Proverbs 3:5
You are the Air I Breathe: Job 12:10
You are my Creator: Genesis 1:27
You are the one who is writing my story: Hebrews 8:10
You are the Giver: John 11:22
You are the Gift: 2 Corinthians 9:15
You are the Lifter of my Head: Psalm 3:3
You are my Help: Psalm 118:7
You are the Beginning and the End: Revelation 22:13
You are my Father: 2 Corinthians 4:15
You are my Song: Exodus 15:2
You are my Life: Psalm 27:1
You are my Peace: 1 Corinthians 14:33
You are the Reason why I can do anything: Acts 17:28
And I worship you just because of who you are.
You are Just: Isaiah 45:21
You are Strong: Psalm 89:8
You are Caring: Romans 5:8
You are Comforting: 2 Corinthians 1:3
You are Wonderful: Isaiah 28:29
And I will sing your praises because of who you are.
Because of Who You Are – Vicky Yohe