Spread the love

August 7, 2022


I always take note when a scripture is repeated seemingly randomly. Today, I was scheduling posts and one of them that had caught my attention (again) was Psalm 33:16, “No king achieves a victory with a large army. No warrior rescues himself by his own strength.” A reminder that nothing we do on our own accord will save us. This evening as I decided to sketch out what I’m calling the “Love is …” series (not a study, just sketches and scripture), I decided to listen to a sermon. The sermon was live today and I’m listening to the repeat and they start off with this same text. Immediately I was like, “I was reading this today!!” What was also funny was that about an hour before I was thinking that there had been no repeated scripture for a couple days. I always hold on to what was said before. I review them, see what I can learn, but there has been nothing new.

Truthfully, it isn’t new because I posted it a few weeks ago on the blog, but was repeated today as it is scheduled to post on FB and now in the sermon. Thank you Yahweh for the reminder that it’s not in my own strength that anything will be accomplished. I will wait on you.



1 . Trust in the word of God.

Sidebar: I keep asking Yahweh that I don’t miss what he wants me to do in this immediate season. Mom just told me that I should just go down to the bank and wait there. The problem is that that would be hours of waiting and honestly it just didn’t sit well with me.

Yesterday, the youths spoke about Yahweh taking away everything that made me self-sufficient (and no lie, he was) and as I’m listening to the scripture I realised that I am still expecting Yahweh to tell me to do this or that (hence my prayer to not miss the directions). But I have always been the person to rely on myself because there was no one else to. If I needed it done – I had to do it. And I’ve gotten so used to that dynamic. But I can’t be self-sufficient anymore (if I ever truly was). I have to rest in him. It’s what he keeps saying. It’s not a posture of me doing, but me being. Resting in his promise.

2. Trust in his faithfulness.

3. Trust in his report.



  1. Resting in who Yahweh is
  2. Mark 12-13
  3. Victory belongs to Yahweh. It’s not of me.
  4. Unseen growth.


Yahweh thank you for your word. It is a conscious decision to rest in you. Just thought of the time you were sleeping in the boat. The disciples are going crazy and you’re just resting. And it can feel like doing nothing to someone who is usually moving, but it’s actually a lot. It takes a lot for me to do that. To not figure out ways and means. Thank you for your grace. Your covering. Yahweh, remember your youths. They are moving on your behalf. And they may not recognise that it’s a move, but it is. Yahweh, I pray that they will trust you, come what may. That they will honour you with their whole heart. Keep them in your will. Thank you for your love. Thank you. I love you. Help me to be patient. To speak your words and to reflect your heart.


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