April 8, 2022
Can one person truly make a difference? I know that you can and you did. But what about one unknown person in a small corner of the world? Can I make a difference in the world through prayer? Someone who is not famous, not popular. Someone who just desires that this country would be a better place?
It hurts a lot. Even before this year started, I was barely online even for news because everything felt so toxic. There is so much cursing and anger. So much violence and corruption that it got to the point that I disconnected from it. I went from being the radio that kept my parents informed to radio silence.
Mentally, I am 1000% better because of it. But now I wonder, how can I help? Is what I am doing enough? Yahweh, am I helping or hurting? I don’t think I’m hurting and as I’m writing this I remember that prayer always helps. The thing is, I may never know that it is, but it does. So I need to remember – keep praying in and out of season. I don’t need to know the outcome or rather the effect, but you move in spiritual places as a result of prayers.
Thank you Yahweh for your word. The battles that we each have to fight, but we don’t have to fight them alone. I pray for your spirit to hover over this nation, the way you did at creation. Let your spirit move through this place, each home, each heart.
When you move, worlds are created.
When you move, hearts are transformed.
When you move, countries are convicted.
Yahweh, I ask that you move in this place. You know us by name. We aren’t perfect, but your story is filled with imperfect people who have moved to do your will.
The leaders of this nation. Yahweh, they don’t look towards the nation, they look themselves: what they can do for themselves. But we need leaders who would honour you and lead in such a way that you are glorified, that the nation would be blessed. But right now, the people are following the example of the leaders and are lovers of themselves. Every time the Israelites had a bad king, the nation was led astray. Though I know there would have been those who stayed rooted in you, despite what the kings did.
Yahweh, harden not the hearts of the leaders so that they can lead the country into a season of peace. I pray for safety for our people that there will be no fear in walking the streets: there would be no strife between neighbors. That honest wages are received for honest work.
Your spirit Yahweh, to divide and conquer the deceit and corruption in the heart of man. Humility. I ask that our leaders, our people will humble ourselves before you. That we would seek your face and come to know you for ourselves. We cannot rely on others, expecting another’s relationship with you would be ours. I pray that our leaders would know you, and would choose to spend time with you. From the Prime Minister to the Secretaries. There is hope in you, but they need to turn their eyes unto you.
The Prime has gone back on his oath in his need for power. But you are a God who keeps covenants, not break them. Yahweh open his eyes to what he’s doing and I pray that he chooses to correct his stance, that instead of holding onto the wrong he would lean into you. That he would trust you and lead this country the way you truly desire. Thank you for never leaving us, protect us and help us who are serving you to remain grounded in you, to not lose hope no matter how much the world looks like it’s falling apart. You are still in control and no matter what happens I can rest in that.
Remember the young leader of this island. He has his work cut out for him, but I pray that every day before he faces his work, that he faces you. That he comes to you for guidance, for correction, for the strength to make the right decisions. To make choices that are according to your will and not to be led astray by those who desire money and power above all. Be his light, his peace and his guide. I pray that he doesn’t stumble, but that he would lean on you because you are a strong tower. You are Almighty and you know what is best. Heal this land Yahweh. Heal your people.
2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, which I called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from the wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Leviticus 26:3, 4 – This is what I will do if you will live by my laws and carefully obey my commands: I will give you rain at the right time. The land will produce its crops and the trees in the field will produce their fruit.
Psalm 37:29 – Righteous people will inhabit the land and live there permanently.
Isaiah 7:19 – If you are willing and obedient, you will eat of the best from the land.
Help us Yahweh to be willing and obedient.
REVELATION: Yesterday in speaking with the young lady, she said something that I heard at the time, but it’s only now settling into my spirit. She said that she loves her husband. He loves her, but neither of them were prepared. And even though they are making things work, there have been a lot of fighting and things that made it so much harder.
Yahweh, with prayer, it is never too late to restore. It is never too late for peace. Yahweh, I pray for peace in their home, for your spirit to prepare them for a future without strife, for the altar of the home to be built by the priest of the home. I pray that any word spoken would be of you.
Thank you for this season of preparation. It’s ongoing always, but there are seasons of high intensity preparation, that is truly for our good. You know me and you know what I need and I’m thankful. You gave me a glimpse of what would/can happen without preparation. Help me to always be open to your leading. Thank you for being my God and my guide. Thank you Yahweh.
Yahweh, I need you more than ever today. I can feel the thoughts pressing in. I’m almost weary just thinking about the office today, but you are my portion – you are my help in times of need. You are my joy in times of sorrow. You are my friend always. Help me to see past the physical and to see you at all times, the Lord that binds us. Thank you for being my help, my comfort and my guide.