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June 10, 2022


Tears. Both good and bad. The recognition that not everyone values practise the way I do. And the recognition that Yahweh will use everything once done with the right heart. Yahweh accept our praise. 

The good news? I’m not angry anymore. Just disappointed. Resigned. Slightly frustrated, but not angry. Yayyyy me. Sitting at this programme tonight to hear an announcement that the programme for tomorrow is an hour earlier. The programme I am responsible for. Okay. So I go and ask the question to then be told, oh it was decided that we just playing it by ear tomorrow. What?!!! 

It was decided at the meetings.

What meetings?!!! 

Oh you weren’t there. 

Well, did you tell me that you were having meetings?!!! 

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. You know what? I’m going back inside now. 

Yeah. I couldn’t at that moment. Just could not. I’m gonna wash my face and go to bed. But first!!! Because you know. 



  1. Vehicle! Lol. Not mine. Yahweh been coming through with the much needed resources for the Department. Received approval today for the purchase of a new vehicle. Happy dance. 
  2. The rudely cancelled programme. Sigh.
  3. Phone call from an unknown number.
  4. Ezekiel 25-33. Ezekiel is something almost just like the other prophets. Why was I running from reading this book again?


This week my times to go to bed were all over the place. I need to get back on schedule. But second!! Lol. Thank you. For today.  For taking me through. Angry moments and all. Don’t think I sinned in that angry moment. Did I? Arrrmmmm. Please forgive me. Now I’m racking my brain. Help me to walk in your spirit that even when frustrated, I remain in your will. Thank you for your provision. Your grace. Thank you for your love. I’m going to bed now. And I need a hug. 


Don’t Quit

Don’t Quit. Don’t Quit. Don’t Quit. It’s half time and right now I can’t breathe through my nose at all. It’s completely stuffed up. I just felt so alone. Lonely. Tired that I started to cry. Wish I could say that this was a cute cry. It wasn’t. It’s not. And then this message came up. Don’t quit. Still can’t breathe through my nose, but I’m gonna keep on breathing. Still feeling all alone, but I’m not going to stop trusting you. I know you’re there. I know you’re there and that you love me with an everlasting love. I’m tired I guess. Thank you for not leaving me. Help me not to quit. Help me to trust you no matter what it looks like. Thank you for holding me. And mostly thank you for reminding me not to quit.

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