time with Yahweh during the day
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February 21, 2022


This morning was a morning. We were cleaning and cleaning. What is hilarious, two of us cleaning but others standing around. Next thing they’re asking if they could get this or that. Had me rolling my eyes: why we stop so? There was no offer to help with anything, wipe anything. But they want this or that. It unfortunately represents how many of us across the world behave: with the idea that they’re entitled to something without any work put in on their behalf / by them. No shame: they were items that could be given without a formal review. Those I gave to the person who helped. And they are always helping without any compensation. Sigh. 

Happy dance though, my printer started back working! Hallelujah! 

I low-key just pulled some strings. For 2 months my AC is not working and I keep asking the agency who is responsible for maintaining the building to get it sorted out and nothing. Today I skipped protocol and called the AC Department directly. They said they’re coming tomorrow. Why did it have to be that way? But I’m thankful that there’s some advancement in getting things resolved. 

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