February 15, 2022
It’s a new day, thank you for waking me up. Thank you for your love that is beyond me: around me, all over me. Thank you for your grace. Do you know what I don’t ever want to lose? That sense of awe. That feeling of expectation. I know that life shouldn’t be based just on how I feel, but you have surprised me in unexpected ways. You’ve shown your love and promises in so many ways. I still rejoice at the double rainbow, but what if I had felt I was too busy to stop and try and see it? I would have missed you in action. I know that 99% of what you do is behind the scenes, but I want to be there for that 1% peak behind the scenes. Thank you Yahweh for revealing yourself to me. And honestly, sometimes it feels like it was just for me. And to know that you think me special enough to do things just for me? That is awesome and I am grateful.Â
Thank you for your direction in my life. You never leave us to our own devices (well unless we intentionally walk away, and even then).
Exodus 40:36 – In all your travels, whenever the smoke moved from the tent, the Israelites would break camp.Â
So question: why don’t we see a cloud telling us when to move on where to go now?
When you’re young in faith, Yahweh does more of obvious signs of the supernatural. The Israelites were babies in faith and needed that most visible of direction. But as you get “older” and the relationship deepens, you experience other ways of being led. For instance: he just became friends with someone and you have to explain why this, why you prefer to walk on the left. But after years of being friends, they notice that you are easing to the left. They don’t even question why or wait for you to pull them with you, they just drift to where you are going (and in doing so avoid the fight up ahead that they hadn’t noticed because they were talking to you).Â
Thank you for testing us. Thank you for leading us. Thank you for leading me. You are God alone.Â
Today is meeting day. I pray for your continued guidance. There are at least two potentially explosive issues on the agenda today. I pray that come what may, that I speak your words. That I rightly represent you. Thank you for your provision and your love. Thank you for healing and grace. My heart is yours and my will is yours. Thank you for who you are in my life.Â
In a weird way, I was wondering if the words would continue past yesterday. But that type of inspiration did not come this morning. You create micro seasons in a season. The short moments within the overall sphere that encourage me and nurture me. That serves as a reminder of what you have promised. Thank you for your word in my life and over my life.Â
I am so mad right now and I don’t want to move forward in anger. Dad is telling me this morning that Samsung called him/messaged him to tell him that he won something. I’m listening. He then went to say that he asked them what it was he had to do. He says they didn’t respond. I said to him when he gets messages like that do not respond because now they know it’s an active number. It is a scam. He’s trying to tell me well it didn’t operate like the others. I’m like Dad, people change their tactics. It’s a scam. You never respond to these things! No matter how they come.
But it also truly is a reminder of who we are on a spiritual level. The devil comes at us each time, sometimes only changing the packaging and we fall for it because we don’t seek help. If there’s an area that we are especially weak in and something comes along, before responding we need to ask questions of Yahweh. Is this legit? Should I get involved? Is this for me? If we don’t, we find ourselves in more drama than we signed up for. Yahweh, protect dad, please. I am not always there, but you are and for that I am grateful. Keep him safe.