October 3, 2022
Yes, I am that type of girl that will stop the car to avoid squishing a snail. And then come out and move it out of the road. And today, I am thankful for your unshakeable love. Though the world may be shaking. Though the hills crumble and fall. Your love is unshakeable. Thank you for the way that you move even though you are unshakeable. How did we go from normal, normal to three of us starting a business? And each of us having a skill, a niche that ties into that unshakeable dream? Only you. I pray that we will trust you. That you will be at the centre of it all. That we will trust you. No matter what happens. Thank you for your love and grace. Your amazing mercy. Cleanse my heart of every jealous thought and help me to remember that in your time you make all things beautiful. Thank you for your timing.
- The you planned meet up that made our first order and introduced the third facet of the business.
- Crying tears of sadness and then words of comfort.
- The saved snail. Because there aren’t enough regular, smegular garden snails still left in the world.
- Day twenty-two/twenty-one. Because I actually determined that today will be a day of rejoicing à la Nehemiah 8:10 and not fasting. I will continue the next day.
Thank you Yahweh. I love you.