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May 6, 2022

It’s the end of the work week. I tell you, the days are coming fast and furious! Thank you for your amazing grace.


  1. Yahweh’s awesome, amazing, remarkable grace.
  2. Dream revelation and the next unexplainable dream.
  3. Moses’ laws: so that I can understand what you saved me from. Truthfully we may never fully understand the depths you saved us from, but we can begin to understand.
  4. Able to send the book “The Praying Wife” to a customer. 
  5. Joel, Romans 1-6

Huhhhhh. Unexpected benefits of this blog. It calms the spirit in moments of frustration. Don’t get me wrong ehhh, that is definitely Yahweh calming, but this turned out to be one of the unexpected methods that he uses.

And twenty minutes after calming down, I get upset again…at the dog. Who, in my opinion, still should not be here. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Help Yahweh. Help me. I know he’s just a dog, I know he’s your creature. I genuinely like animals, you know I do. Except snakes, rats and cockroaches. Cause just no. The dog has totally ripped up the floor covering. I had put something over it, he pushed it aside and ripped and destroyed the floor covering. I know it’s just a thing. But I guess I’m remembering the sacrifice Mom made to get the covering. The work to put it down and the dog now deciding on one of his weekend visits to destroy it. I don’t want to stay angry at the dog. Though truthfully, it is more upsetting that the dog is here in the first place. He is a big dog and I cannot handle him, neither can mom. And it bothers me. Help please. You helped with P2 and I am thankful. I definitely need your help again. Help me not to get upset at the insane things this dog delights in doing. Help me to see the love you have every time I look at the dog. Thank you. 

I’m going to listen to a sermon – aptly enough about not getting angry. Second night in a row. Help me. Sigh. I’m guessing after working on patience, you’ve decided to bring forth angry issues I didn’t even know I had. Thank you. I surrender. Help me.

The good news is: anger is an emotion just like any other emotion and it has a purpose. Thankfully I know that. But the speaker just said that you get angry about things that you love. Lol. Well I definitely love my dad and I get upset when he is attacked especially unjustly. That’s what happened last night. And tonight, sigh. It wasn’t about the floor covering, but about the boundaries that I set that are being trampled on. I cannot stop the attacks. I will continue to pray about it and seek Yahweh’s face. I am thankful that I did not take out my anger at the meeting. But the dog? He got sent to his crate. I don’t even like having dogs in crates. He actually took one look at me and saw the anger on my face: P2 went outside and he went into his crate. Quiet as a mouse now. Btw…mice are NOT quiet. Why do we say that?!! Yahweh help me to not make decisions in anger but to stop and think about the true cause and move accordingly and in your will. To not harm, but to heal. Thank you for hearing.

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